Finrod: 30-Day Character Study - Study Days by cuarthol

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20. Who Are You?

Who Are You? Using what you've learned about your character, take a Myers-Briggs type personality test for your character. What do you learn about the person? What surprises you?

I did this - and honestly maybe it’s that I generally don’t care for personality tests, or that too many of the questions are too… modern/human-centric.  

Not that I think the results aren’t a good fit, just harder to quantify an Elf’s personality based on Human personality categories.  I don’t think the answers for an Elf carry the same implications as they would for a Human, nor do modern sensibilities map exactly to medieval societies, and especially not to a ruler.

But I've never been one who has their MB personality type memorized or ascribed any meaning to it.  When people talk about this or that character being some alphabet soup it is utterly meaningless to me. 


Anyway, here's Finrod:

About Your Type
As an ENFJ, you are driven by a deep sense of altruism and empathy for other people. You have an intuitive sense of the emotions of others, and often act as an emotional barometer for the people around you. You tend to personally experience the feelings of others, and feel compelled to act when you see people suffering. But your compassion is not reserved for the people close to you; at heart, you are a humanitarian, and you feel genuine concern for the ills of the entire human race.

You want close, supportive connections with others, and believe that cooperation is the best way to get things done. You like to be liked and are very sensitive to feedback, both positive and negative. You expect the best not just from yourself, but from others as well, and may find yourself disappointed when others are not as genuine in their intentions as you are. You work hard to maintain strong relationships, and strive to be a valuable member of your family and community.

You are typically energetic and driven, and often have a lot on your plate. You are tuned into the needs of others and acutely aware of human suffering; however, you also tend to be optimistic and forward-thinking, intuitively seeing opportunity for improvement. You are ambitious, but your ambition is not self-serving: rather, you feel personally responsible for making the world a better place.

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