Farewell Plans
A visit by the Naugrim interrupts Aredhel's routine. A drabble according to Open Office.
"Shut up the child before it brings down the roof," translated Eöl with a withering look at his wife. Aredhel knew why her son was crying. He had considered the hammerfalls reverbrating off the forge walls with wide-eyed interest before, they didn't scare him. He wanted his song. Normally, this hour would find them both walking in the forest, seeking the rare light between the trees – and remembering Valinor, she'd sing. Not that Eöl or the Naugrim would understand her sudden rush of song in Quenya – or welcome it. But Lómion would soon be old enough for travelling...
Chapter End Notes
Written for the following prompts:
B1: Dwarves of the First Age: Naugrim meet Eöl's wife; Talents and Skills: Translating
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