Comments on Súlimëo Quentar: March Stories

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Quoting what I said elsewhere: Trying to keep track of Elleth's B2MeM contributions, I felt a bit like one of those hobbits who threw themselves flat on their bellies as Gandalf's firework dragon rushed over their heads and then looked up to see it turn a somersault over Bywater.

Great to see them posted here!

Heh. I'm afraid she's quite notorious for her spiky Tengwar, cliché or not. ;) You're not alone with paying for the tickets either, though lacking their expertise in the field I would probably not be understanding very much of it - still, to come along for that ride would be worth it either way!

I cannot believe you did this in 100 words! This is wonderful.  You left me sitting here with my hand over my mouth, stunned. Chilling, scary, and absolutely perfect. (I came here to read this one so I could read the remix Zeen did of it and read a couple more--wonderful also--the Aredhel space/in-patient one! Fabulous and the tiny petrichor poem. I guess I missed this collections because they were part of massive B2MeM influx. I will come back and read and comment on others.)

Ooooh, thank you, thank you for directing me to this fantastic ficlet!  As you well know, BeMeM results in so many stories of quality (and Bungo Baggins' Bingo generated a huge number of fics), that it is easy to miss stories.  Thank goodness I read this.  I came here to see how Elrond came across Estëlindë's journals, and found a rich, darkly atmospheric tale and a very satisfying backstory as to how Narsil came to the line of Elros.  Although there are a lot of great turns of phrase here, this stood out:

They follow in, driving a host of memories like rats before them.


Thank you so much! :D It was a lot of fun digging into the history and forging that connection - after all Aragorn knew how to treat the Black Breath (and I don't buy that it was entirely his royal destiny that let him), so he must have learned it somewhere, and in this 'verse that somewhere just happens to be Estelindë's abominably spiky scrawl. :D