Súlimëo Quentar: March Stories by Elleth

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


A collection of Elleth's 2012 B2MeM Bingo fics. Individual summaries (and warnings, if necessary) are provided in the chapter notes.

Major Characters: Anárion, Ar-Pharazôn, Aredhel, Arien, Aulë, Barahir (First Age), Beleg, Beren, Caranthir, Durin I, Dwarves, Elemmírë, Elrond, Elros, Elves, Eöl, Fëanor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Finwë, Gilmith, Haleth, Idril, Indis, Lúthien Tinúviel, Maedhros, Maeglin, Maglor, Manwë, Melian, Mîm, Míriel Serindë, Mithrellas, Nerdanel, Nessa, Númenóreans, Orcs, Original Character(s), Sauron, Tar-Míriel, Vána

Major Relationships:

Genre: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Drama, Experimental, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Het, Horror, Humor, Mystery, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Slash/Femslash, Suspense

Challenges: B2MeM 2012

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Torture, Character Death, Violence (Mild)

Chapters: 41 Word Count: 13, 803
Posted on 8 April 2012 Updated on 8 April 2012

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

At the end of his life, Durin remembers his creation.

A short history of Númenor. (A double-drabble according to Open Office.)

On Midsummer 3019 TA, Maglor lets his gaze roam from Amon Hen.

While seeking for Eluréd and Elurín, Maedhros' past catches up with him.

(Horror, hence possibly disturbing images in this fic. A drabble according to Open Office.)

Young Fëanor requests a gift off his mothers. Inspired by Independece1776's A Kind of Poetry. A drabble according to Open Office.

The way to a woman's heart...

(Contains dead orcs, bugs and hints at medical procedures, probably not for the squeamish.) A drabble written as thank-you for GG, Pandë and Steel for help and encouragement with this particular OC's story.

The communication log of Patient01000001 01110010 01100101 01100100 01101000 01100101 01101100 (aka Aredhel) aboard Hospital Ship Halls of Mandos. (With apologies to [info]aliana1, whose concept of space!Middle-earth I may have borrowed.)

Little Makalaurë will turn anything into a song. Silly elfling fluff.

During the departure from Cuiviénen, Finwë battles a moment of indecision. A double-drabble according to Open Office.

On Thangorodrim, Maedhros is plagued by visions.

(Mildly disturbing images, but nothing terribly graphic. A drabble according to Open Office.)

During the War of Wrath, the first bearer of Narsil encounters his first enemy.

(Not for the arachnophobic or those disliking self-indulgent headcanon.) A series of drabbles according to Open Office.

Beer and the origin of warfare don't mix. (Not technically a Silmfic, but references Cuiviénen, so I decided to include it here.) A drabble according to Open Office.

After the rescue from the Fen of Serech, Finrod swears his oath to Barahir, and explains the significance of his ring.

Phazganôn, son of Pharazôn and governor of Pelargir, has a secret name that is not altogether secret.

(Grisly subjects, though nothing graphic. AU.)

During Tirion's Midwinter festival, Míriel, Indis and Finwë announce a strange renewal. (An AU to Indy's A Kind of Poetry verse. Warning for bigotry against poly relationships.)

Tirion is a paper city, with all the consequences. A double-drabble according to Open Office.

Fingon tames an eagle, with a special purpose in mind. A drabble according to Open Office.

A visit by the Naugrim interrupts Aredhel's routine. A drabble according to Open Office.

Vairë weaves her tapestry, and something changes in Doriath...

AU, non-graphic character death. A drabble according to Open Office.

The continuing adventures of Makalaurë's sweet tooth. Or: Estelindë tries to babysit. More elfling fluff. A drabble according to Open Office.

The wave is dark, not sea green. Tar-Míriel's last moments.

(Non-graphic character death, suicidal ideation.) A drabble according to Open Office.

At Cuiviénen, Elenî-mirê draws on a special power to save her sister from the doom that has been foretold for her.

The immediate aftermath of Fëanor's demise.

A drabble according to Open Office.

How the Palantíri came to Númenor.

How Eöl and the Naugrim met.

(Some obliquely hinted-at dark themes, aka Eöl is a creep.) A drabble according to Open Office.

Maglor and his wife share a moment. Not much later, tragedy strikes in form of the Dagor Bragollach.

(Offscreen character death, war.) A double-drabble according to Open Office.

What Eithel Ivrin saw in Beleriand. Five drabbles according to Open Office.

A change of heart for Nerdanel also means a change of history.

AU, a series of five drabbles according to Open Office.

Why Haleth denied Caranthir's offer. Poetry (an attempt at Sapphic Meter).

On the Horrors of the Siege of Barad-dûr.

(Horror, hence possibly disturbing themes. Character death.) A drabble according to Open Office.

Young Estel's difficulties with a First Age healing text turn out different than expected. A drabble according to Open Office.

After the encounter with Beleg on Amon Rudh, Mîm swears vengeance.

A drabble according to Open Office.

Mithrellas, as a mother, cannot bear mortality.

Newly arrived at Himring, Idhlinn settles into her new healing ward. A drabble according to Open Office.

A moment after rain on the Hill of the Slain. Poetry (didactic cinquain).

Something dark has found its way into the Echoriath.

(Horror, hence possibly disturbing themes.) A drabble according to Open Office.

Arien walks the Outer Lands.

A drabble according to Open Office.

Maedhros, Idhlinn, and some banter among friends. A drabble according to Open Office.

Returning from the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Maeglin finds reasons to craft the Gate of Steel.

(Mentions of war, obsessive thoughts.)

Maglor's wife discovers a strange door and a remarkable gift. Fluff.

Maedhros wakes in a field, disoriented and full of blood.

(Predictably, mentions of blood, violence, and possibly disturbing themes.)

Many thanks to GG, who was very patient betaing this, and Zeen for (unknowingly) inspiring the fic.

Comments on Súlimëo Quentar: March Stories

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

Quoting what I said elsewhere: Trying to keep track of Elleth's B2MeM contributions, I felt a bit like one of those hobbits who threw themselves flat on their bellies as Gandalf's firework dragon rushed over their heads and then looked up to see it turn a somersault over Bywater.

Great to see them posted here!

Heh. I'm afraid she's quite notorious for her spiky Tengwar, cliché or not. ;) You're not alone with paying for the tickets either, though lacking their expertise in the field I would probably not be understanding very much of it - still, to come along for that ride would be worth it either way!

I cannot believe you did this in 100 words! This is wonderful.  You left me sitting here with my hand over my mouth, stunned. Chilling, scary, and absolutely perfect. (I came here to read this one so I could read the remix Zeen did of it and read a couple more--wonderful also--the Aredhel space/in-patient one! Fabulous and the tiny petrichor poem. I guess I missed this collections because they were part of massive B2MeM influx. I will come back and read and comment on others.)

Ooooh, thank you, thank you for directing me to this fantastic ficlet!  As you well know, BeMeM results in so many stories of quality (and Bungo Baggins' Bingo generated a huge number of fics), that it is easy to miss stories.  Thank goodness I read this.  I came here to see how Elrond came across Estëlindë's journals, and found a rich, darkly atmospheric tale and a very satisfying backstory as to how Narsil came to the line of Elros.  Although there are a lot of great turns of phrase here, this stood out:

They follow in, driving a host of memories like rats before them.


Thank you so much! :D It was a lot of fun digging into the history and forging that connection - after all Aragorn knew how to treat the Black Breath (and I don't buy that it was entirely his royal destiny that let him), so he must have learned it somewhere, and in this 'verse that somewhere just happens to be Estelindë's abominably spiky scrawl. :D