Little Makalaurë will turn anything into a song. Silly elfling fluff.
"Aunt, Makalaurë says his tooth hurts."
There was no reaction. Nerdanel was sleeping soundly, exhausted after a long day that had involved not merely looking after her second son, but finding herself beset with Findekáno and Findaráto, both of them several years younger and far more prone to mischief than Makalaurë. He had, however, joined them in the endeavour to escape the house to the market, because all of them craved sweetmeats, and it had taken a fair deal of chasing them, all that after a new shipment of marble blocks that needed moving to her studio. Fëanáro, as usual, had locked himself in his forge and been utterly unhelpful; Maitimo was sitting on a long council at the Palace.
Findaráto, at a loss, looked to his slightly older cousin and snuck a thumb in his mouth. They had left Makalaurë curled in his bed worrying at his mouth, and promised they'd fetch his mother to make it better.
"Ont, Mahalauë iv unwef," he tried again, mumbling around his finger, just when a bloodcurdling howl shook the house. Nerdanel bolted upright straight out of her sleep, but already the sound subsided into the softer twang of harp strings carrying what appeared, at first, nonsense.
"I found a nuuuuuut. I foooooouuuuuund a nuuuuuuut stuuuuuuuuuck in my tooooooth!"
"What's he saying?" Findekáno asked. Nerdanel passed a hand over her face, for the first time registering the two young boys in her bedroom.
"It is fine, Káno. I think that he is singing."
Chapter End Notes
Written for the following prompts:
N41: Injuries: Tooth Ache, Last Lines: I think that he is singing.