No Monkeys at Cuiviénen
Beer and the origin of warfare don't mix. (Not technically a Silmfic, but references Cuiviénen, so I decided to include it here.) A drabble according to Open Office.
"No, not gorilla," says the queen to Éomer, delicately spooning soup. "It is a style of warfare. The Laiquendi – the Green Elves – favoured it. Small, mobile troops attacking suddenly, then withdrawing – ambushes, and often in forested terrain. It is an ages-old technique, presumably learned from the First Enemy himself, for he would appear, grasp the unfortunate, and speed away. The Elves of Cuiviénen reclaimed it for themselves."
"Then why is it named for monkeys? Were there monkeys at Cuiviénen?" asks Éomer, less preoccupied with history and more with beer, and takes another swig. Arwen rolls her eyes.
Chapter End Notes
I blame GG, entirely. Her, and the English pronunciation. Why are these things homophones? (And yes, I know that gorillas are apes. ;))
N31: Weapons and Warfare: Guerrilla Warfare
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