Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
"Do you think Númenor may yet be saved?"
A story of the Faithful, and of hope.
A series of outtakes from an AU about Sauron’s sojourn in Númenor in which Sauron is a lady (of sorts).
Anárion discusses the specifics of Maedhros' and Húrin's captivity with his brother, and comes to a chilling conclusion.
Rated Adult for some discussion of torture.
Anarion, son of Elendil, on his way into exile.
Anárion is one of the characters that acts as a direct link between the histories of The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings. This biography considers his role in Tolkien's larger themes, his place in the legendarium, and thorny fannish questions about his status related to Isildur.
Meneldil was the fourth child of Anarion, and succeeded him on the throne of Gondor. Who were Meneldil's elder siblings? This is the story of Romennie, Anarion's moon-touched child, a victim of Zigur's evil.
Heavily rewritten, again:
This story first appeared in The Silmarillion Writer's Guild's Akâllabeth in August.
Summary, from the Akâllabeth in August page:
Sauron has been taken prisoner by Pharazôn but nurtures an ever-growing influence. In the midst of a Númenor increasingly divided, a young Anárion works quietly after rebellion, discovering both love and betrayal in its midst.
Sauron assassinates Ar-Pharazôn before the Great Armament can be sent against Valinor, and takes power as Steward, turning the military might of Numenor and Mordor against the Eldar and Faithful; the history of Arda is altered forever.
"Nine ships there were: four for Elendil, and for Isildur three, and for Anarion two; and they fled before the gale out of the twilight of doom into the darkness of the world. [...] And all the coasts and seaward regions of the western world suffered great change and ruin in that time; for the seas invaded the lands, and shores foundered."
A collection of Elleth's 2012 B2MeM Bingo fics. Individual summaries (and warnings, if necessary) are provided in the chapter notes.
The Alkallabeth was written as a history, but histories rarely reveal the whole truth. What was the truth behind the life of Tar Miriel, last queen of Numenor?
The story of Eönwë, Maia of Manwë, and Mairon Aulendil after the War of Wrath. A tale of darkness, light, love and betrayal over the Ages of Eä.
Tolkien simply told us that [Sauron] fell back into evil, for the bonds that Morgoth had laid upon him were very strong. But this line is unsatisfactory on so many levels that it became a challenge to create a plausible background story for Sauron's fall, from the time Eönwë returns to Aman to face the Valar over his decision to free one of Morgoth's most dreaded minions to Sauron's final fate, long after the destruction of the Ring.
B2MeM 2011 and 2012 participant
MEFA 2011 1st Place - Incomplete: Drama & Smaug's Treasure (but complete since then!)
Sauron has been taken prisoner by Pharazôn but nurtures an ever-growing influence. In the midst of a Númenor increasingly divided, a young Anárion works quietly after rebellion, discovering both love and betrayal in its midst.
An anthology of ficlets, mostly in multiples of 100 words, here all together for the first time. (Forbidden Fruit makes its first appearance at a public archive) Open-ended.
It is written that Tar-Miriel was too late to reach the supposed safety of the Meneltarma when Numenor sank into the sea. But why was she late? What was so important that she would risk her life, knowing she would not survive?
The History of the Downfall, from Ar Sakalthôr's accession to Ar Pharazôn's Armada. EPILOGUE: In Middle-earth, life begins anew, and hope lies hidden in the most unlikely places. Story now complete.
Isildur and Anárion standing on the bow, hoping what good will come after the destruction of Númenor.