Romennie by Kaylee Arafinwiel

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Fanwork Notes

Romennie is my OC. This story is dark, but since violence and death are only hinted at I rate it PG-13.

Fanwork Information


Meneldil was the fourth child of Anarion, and succeeded him on the throne of Gondor. Who were Meneldil's elder siblings? This is the story of Romennie, Anarion's moon-touched child, a victim of Zigur's evil.

Major Characters: Anárion, Elendil, Mandos, Meneldil, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Sauron

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Violence (Mild)

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 720
Posted on 2 March 2017 Updated on 2 March 2017

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Dark. Very, very dark. How dark? I got this bunny upon reading about the Nazi-run "children's clinics" where gassing was first implemented. I don't even know for sure how I got from the article on Elie Wiesel to there, but anyway. I don't think I would rate it R, as violence and character death are only referenced, but perhaps PG-13

I base my interpretation of Lord Namo on that of Fiondil. Calimo is one of his OCs, one of the Namolie.

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