Thimble of Ashes
The immediate aftermath of Fëanor's demise.
A drabble according to Open Office.
Curufinwë groped dully for his father's ashes. Wind, blowing them apart, and low clouds rolled from the north, blotting out stars. He had hoarded a small mound, hands blindly cupped around the smouldering remains. A far buzz of thunder sounded, not yet close enough to rumble.
"We should move before the storm reaches us," spoke Maitimo, surveying the weather. Curufinwë studied his brother, incredulously.
"I will stay, gathering as much as I can. Father would have us honour him, would honour us if we were slain by Cosomoco, and he was greater than half a thimble full of ashes."
Chapter End Notes
Written for the following prompts:
I27: Evil, Villains and Monsters: Gothmog; Fëanátics: In Beleriand - Family Guy; Four Words: apart, buzz, half, thimble; Weather: Windy, In a Manner of Speaking: Blind as a Bat
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