First Encounters
How Eöl and the Naugrim met.
(Some obliquely hinted-at dark themes, aka Eöl is a creep.) A drabble according to Open Office.
Eöl ran a hand over the pocked surface of the rock. It still was warm, almost a living body lying at his disposal, despite the time it had taken him to find the impact site. Let those Iathrim chant to the Star-Kindler, he much preferred them fallen, the Dark Lord's work or no. He allowed himself a smile, and straightening, spotted dark, stunted figures crouched along the crater's edge, watching.
He eyed the meteorite again. There would be enough to satisfy, and the Naugrim surely could teach much to one who freely showed them goodwill. He waved them down.
Chapter End Notes
Written for the following prompts:
B9: Genre1: Adventure; Science: Metalworking; TV Tropes: Ultimate Blacksmith
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