Súlimëo Quentar: March Stories by Elleth

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Queen of Her Domain

Arien walks the Outer Lands.

A drabble according to Open Office.

Melian was not the only one who walked in the dark of Middle-earth. When Arien grew tired of the restraints and lights of Aman, she forsook her incarnate form and passed as a flame across the skies, resuming it in a dark land of the utmost East. Her footsteps, for once unrestrained, left wildfires, burning the forests into a desert of great dunes, sand that prickled and melted on her skin, wood smoke that veiled her. Where Melian walked with nightingales and stood bespelled by love, Arien laughed freely, step by step laying claim. This land would evermore be hers.

Chapter End Notes

Written for the following prompts:

G59: Off the Map's Edge: Land of the Sun

B6: Smells: Wood Smoke

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