The Sleep of Reason by Michiru

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Fanwork Notes

The story itself is family friendly, but the end notes reference something that might swear at you, so... be warned.

Fanwork Information


After the Prophecy in the North, before the creation of the Sun and Moon, Námo visits Irmo’s gardens. Because sometimes even the wisest turn to the lesser.

Major Characters: Lórien, Mandos

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 797
Posted on 26 July 2012 Updated on 26 July 2012

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Sleep of Reason

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Thanks! He's always been one of my favorite Valar/Ainur in general (also, I value sleep).

I regret it, too; the pieces are still there, I think, in how he refuses to speak and ignores Manwe's summons and has gone out searching for Irmo, but they never really came together in the end. (Irmo sort of hijacked the scene.) If the bug ever bites there will be a companion piece, probably from Irmo's point of view...

Insert up arrow here. That would be called me mising up the review and respond functions. I don't know how I managed to do that, but... yeah. In case I figure out how to delete the self-review in the next five minutes, here's what I (tried) to say:


I'm glad that worked for you! When I started writing he had short lines of dialogue, but they slowly disappeared as the piece progressed, and when I was typing it up I just cut his lines altogether, since they weren't necessary (also having him speak would have been against the original point). I've become a bit more interested in how the Valar/Ainur interact amongst themselves, and Irmo and Namo have always been my favorites. Thanks for your review!

Thank you! (And for your entire reviewing spate; it means a lot :) )

Namo and Irmo have fascinated me for a long time. I don't really know why; part of me is just really captivated by Tolkien's decision to have the Doomsman of the Valar related to the guy in charge of dreams and rest. And both of them separately are very interesting characters to me as well. (Namo has the interesting distinction of being I think the only character in Tolkien's myth that I claim as a favorite while simultaneously wanting to smack Every Single Time he does something in canon. I'm not entirely sure how my version of him diverted so sharply from the one Tolkien wrote and I ???? should probably figure that out at some point honestly oops.)

But yes, I find them very interesting, so I'm glad the portrayals here worked for you.

Thank you once again!