If Ever She Sang by sallysavestheday

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Fanwork Notes

For the Rejects Challenge, using the prompt: Melian was a sprite who escaped from the gardens of Lórien (from The Book of Lost Tales).

Title and premise are from the beginning of the Tale of Tinuviel in BoLT, referring to Melian: If ever she sang...dreams and slumbers passed over your head and made it heavy. It's my own macabre take that Irmo's dreams pave the road to Mandos, at least in the early days of the world.


Fanwork Information


Elwë was not the first Elf Melian drew into Nan Elmoth. He was the first of them to survive. A love story, of sorts.

Major Characters: Elu Thingol, Melian

Major Relationships: Melian/Thingol

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed


Challenges: Rejects

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 417
Posted on 26 April 2023 Updated on 27 April 2023

This fanwork is complete.

If Ever She Sang

Read If Ever She Sang

The dreams of Lórien begin as an echo of his elder brother’s Song. Tender-clawed, they send a mind down shadowed paths and promise no return. They are the only language Melian knows, formed as she was in that company and bound, once, to the Vala’s will. When she flees his garden’s boundaries, drawn to the coolness of Ennor’s woods and the bright blood of living, breathing things, the tongue of dreams is what she carries with her, singing.

The first wandering Elves stumble among her trees. They come following her song, chasing her nightingales, seeking her luminous face between the fronds.   

She craves their company, but her soft song binds them, pulls souls away from bodies, lays them down amid the roots until they pale and weather into so many glimmering bones. She mourns them: keening, tangling her hair in the memory of their fingers, dropping her tears in what once were the hollows of their eyes. The loneliness of Lórien has pursued her, and she yearns.

She yearns.

Elwë strays onto her paths unwittingly. Bound for Finwë’s camp, he is far down the track of his tireless mind, remembering Valinor, building fantasies of light and air amid Nan Elmoth’s gloom. The nightingales’ trills do not divert him. He barely seems to register Melian’s croons.

The dreams in her mouth hold no image of him. He is a new thing entirely, with hair like stars on the water and long, cool, confident hands.

Undeterred by her darkness, Elwë calls out his own verses in a song of purpose and ambition, of vigorous, exuberant life. He slips through the tangles of the underbrush, his rich voice curling and coaxing, teasing the briars out of his way. His certainty draws her out of her lethargy, reshaping her webs, unwinding her ropes.

Melian breathes and hums, tasting a new music under her tongue. The bones on the forest floor murmur and turn.

Elwë’s pale lips tremble at the smooth jet and spangled silver of her, still as night in the clearing at the heart of the forest. Only then does his proud song falter, tripping over the mysteries in her eyes.

The stars wheel and alter as they weave their dreams together. A dark thread of song winds softly around them, curling through Nan Elmoth's watchful trees; bleeding into the forest's still waters; echoing like the toll of a great, cold bell in the shimmering expanse of the sky.


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I almost certainly won't be able to express my thoughts any better here but I just... the image of Melian brings to mind the kind of unintentional destruction that follows not understanding the delicate nature of what you're dealing with.  Like someone who tries to study a bug only to accidentally squish it or break off one of its legs or wings... that kind of almost childlike "What is this!?" without understanding your strength or another's weakness and just... not understanding why they die.

Yes, exactly. She's not malicious; she just really doesn't understand how they work. And she's terribly lonely and not grasping why she keeps failing to connect with these pretty little things that drift into her realm. She's like a cat playing with a moth, to use more bug imagery. As are all the Ainur, really, at one point or another. I'm glad this provoked you!

You've brought the fey mood of BoLT in here so beautifully, as well as the sense of the Ainur being more human and childlike than they came to be portraits in the later Silm, experimenting with this strange new world experience, and very far from wise! 

And I just love the image of Elwë tripping along, oblivious to what's happening outside his thoughts, more like us modern humans and the opposite of how Elves are so often portrayed as being hyperaware, and that being the very thing that saves him!

Very far from wise, indeed! Especially in the beginning, I imagine. Yes, Thingol's focus on himself is his saving grace in this case. Later it will prove otherwise, of course. I'm glad you enjoyed this! I wasn't sure how it would hit, but people seem to be at least intrigued by my poor Monster Melian.

the description of Melian and her being feels like being immersed in a primordial dream in which you can't know if you will awake ever again or remain lost into the depth of it. Elwe really didn't know what he was meddling with, he was lucky and strong enough not to succumb to it! Really well done, very very evocative!

This is really cool! I love how inhuman Melian is, not knowing how to interact with the Elves without killing them. Like: Oh. :( Another one broke. :(

And Elwe finding the safe (?) way to encounter her merely by accident. The last lines are beautiful and give me the shivers!