[podfic] waving flares in the air by Chestnut_pod
Fanwork Notes
Originally posted to AO3 in August 2017.
Thanks to Cosmogyral for blanket permission to podfic! That's my favorite thing!
Fanwork Information
Summary: The light enters the room before Éowyn does, a rolling dry heat with it; just enough warning for Faramir to close one book and open another. She enters hard on its heels. 'Hail, Steward, from the south fair tidings,' she says, pulling off her helm halfway through, so the words are muffled. 'I can’t stay long. I came to give you word of Harad and your brother.' (A Galadriel-accepts-the-ring AU.) Canon Source: Lord of the Rings Major Characters: Éowyn, Faramir Major Relationships: Éowyn/Faramir Genre: Podfic Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Posted on 14 May 2023 | Updated on 14 May 2023 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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