The Crow's Flight by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

For the Bestiary of Arda challenge.

The prompt was "As the Crow Flies", by Timothy Vajda (link to video on YouTube).

Warnings for Saruman-typical mind manipulation.

Fanwork Information


One of the crebain drops out of the hunt for the Fellowship over Hollin.

Major Characters: Crebain

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet

Challenges: Bestiary of Arda

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 705
Posted on 29 May 2023 Updated on 29 May 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Crow's Flight

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Oh what a great idea!  I love having the Crebain be the characters here, and their willingness to follow Saruman only because of Radagast!  (poor Radagast!)

So glad Khaw (hehe, love the name!) found a welcome and a new place to call home <3

Glad to hear you like the idea!

Yes, poor Radagast, I've placed quite a burden on his shoulders here, but it did seem to fit in with what we see going on in LOTR. 

(Huinare used to write a series of stories in which Saruman was given a craban by Radagast as house-warming gift when he moved into Orthanc and the emotional bond he develops with it. It was touching, sad and funny at the same time.)

Also, Tolkien's crow words are fun! I also liked corch, but it sounded more obviously Elvish than crunc. Maybe I'll use it somewhere else, one day!

I love this — I can hear the music in it, feel Khaw’s urgency and determination. I’m very glad she found Radagast and survived the ring war.