Don't Lose Your Head by daughterofshadows

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Don't Lose Your Head

Soooooo this is a bit of weird one.

Inspired by the following quote for the Dip the Ladle challenge

“there passed through the portals a perilous horseman, the mightiest on middle-earth in measure of height

My mind got stuck on the horseman bit, decided that obviously this HAD to be about headless horseman Fingolfin (after all, he even comes with a canonical horse buddy!) and then this happened.

It's cracky, it's exactly 100 words according to MS Word, and really, it would be much more fitting for a Halloween fic.

Long years have passed since Fingolfin and Rochallor died, and still minstrels sing about their passing.

Here is what they do not tell you.

Sometimes, when you stand at the seashore, staring out towards those western lands Fingolfin hailed from, a horse will emerge from the water.

And on its back a rider, mighty, brave, and headless.

Water sprays around them as they gallop across the waves, foam clinging to their ghostly forms.

They say horse and rider are looking for something and that is why they still roam the world.

What it is?

Who can say.

Perhaps Fingolfin’s head.

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