Latest Edition by Himring

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Latest Edition

Warnings for references to the afterlife and to J.R.R. Tolkien and his son that  might perhaps be considered mildly disrespectful, although done with affection and for humorous purposes.

‘This,’ proclaimed Pengolodh dramatically to Celebrian, ‘is terrible. You really mean it? They are still using the sixteenth edition of my works in Rivendell? It’s worthless! I am meanwhile up to the twenty-third! I have revised so many historical inaccuracies, never mind the embarrassing spelling errors!’

‘I am afraid that manuscript deliveries from Valinor have stalled somewhat, since the Drowning of Numenor,’ Celebrian responded, drily. (How absurd, to be bristling like this at any hint of implied criticism of Rivendell! But probably, she thought, actually a symptom of recovery?)

Finrod, in the background, made soothing noises.

Christopher’s forehead wrinkled painfully.

‘My father’s latest intentions…’ he wrote hesitantly.

‘Bless him,’ said his father fondly, up above, and guiltily glanced at a stack of further revised chapters and chapter sections and discarded fragments of treatises on his desk. A crossed-out and scribbled-over page gently wafted off the top of the stack onto the floor of his study in heaven.

Chapter End Notes

Copy of original end note from B2MeM 2020: 

I am doing a series of retrospective posts on contributions to past B2MeMs on my DW/LJ journal. Today's post is on my story "Translations from the Elvish", written for B2MeM in 2016, and re-reading the discussion in the comments to the original post gave me this idea.
By now, of course, Christopher has joined his father in his study in heaven and perhaps, after all, they are producing a final edition of the Silmarillion up there, together...

Pengolodh's authorship of the Quenta Silmarillion is only mentioned in HoME.

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