Diary of Artanis Arafinwiel
I had to add Galadriel in this, of course. Also, I wanted her to sound a lot younger here, because she was.
Diary Entry of Artanis Arafinwiel, Dated FA 6, in Quenya
King Thingol, Ammë’s uncle, has invited me and my brothers to stay in Doriath. I am really looking forward to it. Supposedly, Thingol has a maia wife who has put up a protective barrier all around Doriath, so that will be cool to see. I wonder if she will teach me any of her magic. I do dearly love to learn, and with Uncle Fëanor dead, I could be the smartest of the Ñoldor in Beleriand.
Diary Entry of Artanis Arafinwiel Dated FA 52, in Quenya
Good news! King Thingol has invited me and Finrod as long guests in Doriath. I am so excited! Queen Melian said that she can teach me some of the magic I was so curious about before, and I cannot wait to start! Also, I met this really hot Sindarin man named Celeborn the last time I was there. I hope he is into Ñoldorin women who are half Teleri.
Update- He is! We’re going on a date next week.
Update to the update- We went to his favorite spot in Neldoreth and ate this food called lembas from Queen Melian. It was really delicious. I will have to ask her for the recipe. Then we looked at the stars and I held his hand while he waxed poetic about all his favorite types of trees. He is so dreamy! Also, Melian is teaching me all sorts of magic, I am going to be the most powerful elf in Beleriand one day!
I, Galadriel Finarfiniel, am competent to translate from Quenya to Sindarin, and certify that the translation of My Embarrassing Old Diary Entries is true and accurate to the best of my abilities.
Galadriel Finarfiniel
Name of Translator
Caras Galadhon, Lothlórien
Address of Translator
If anyone else asked other than you, Elrond, I would have said no.