Scion of— by stormfallen

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Chapter 1

Galadriel’s not—she doesn’t dislike the High King of the Noldor in Ennor.

She doesn’t want his throne, even if he’d quite likely hand the sceptre to her at any time if she asked; regardless she spent too much of the First Age removed from the exiles’ suffering for them to accept her as ruler. And besides, by all rights Elrond has the higher claim, and he’d probably flee to Valinor the moment anyone brought up the idea.

But it’s—every time she looks at him, and sees his charisma is not Fingon’s, his joy is not Lalwen’s, his patience is not Orodreth’s, his fury is not Maedhros’s, his determination is not Finrod’s—

And it’s such a silly thing, isn’t it; surely the whole First Age is a case study in why the House of Finwe should not be trusted to rule; why shouldn’t the throne go to one who earned it by rising from nothing through naught but his own valour and leadership—

But she still can’t help but remember every time she meets with him that the only reason they call Gil-galad King is because everyone else who might claim that title (her family, her family) is dead.

Chapter End Notes

Maglor: what about me
Galadriel: did I stutter

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