Such lamps as once shone in Khazad-dum
Celebrimbor makes a gift for Narvi.
Acrostic: calma (lamp)
Celebrimbor put the finishing touches on the simple filigree and lit the small lantern for the first time to test the effect.
Amethyst and rose, light filtered through delicate runes etched into its five panes.
Lights a-plenty Khazad-dum had already, certainly, magnificent dwarf-made ones, in shining lamps of crystal hewn!
More were not needed, especially no contributions from elves, some grumpy elder might mutter, but Narvi would disagree, Celebrimbor hoped.
An anniversary like theirs—twenty years since their first meeting—deserved to be celebrated with a gift and Celebrimbor had just the right nook in Narvi’s favourite cave in mind.
Chapter End Notes
The title alludes to Gimli's speech about the Glittering Caves; apart from referring to the lamps of Moria, this part also gave me the idea that Celebrimbor's lamp is intended to light a particular location in a favourite cave.
The text of this drabble also contains a quotation from Gimli's "Song of Durin".
The five initial letters bolded in the text spell out "calma", the Quenya word for lamp and also the name of the Tengwa. However, I deliberately made Celebrimbor etch dwarvish runes into those glass panes, not tengwar. The word "calma" has five letters but, for the number of the panes, it is more important that the name "Narvi" also has five.
Glasswork was one of the themes for Ekphrasis Week 1. The idea that this might be a glass lamp was suggested to me for the Tengwar prompt fill for calma by Tehta, but as Tehta herself pointed out, when we talked about it, glass lamps do exist. Indeed, they are much more common than Feanorian lamps...
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