All The Heart's Orthographies by sallysavestheday

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


A perfect drabble for each of the Tengwar, for the Tengwar challenge.

Major Characters:

Major Relationships:


Challenges: Tengwar

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 757
Posted on 31 May 2024 Updated on 31 May 2024

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on All The Heart's Orthographies

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Lamp - Finarfin my beloved

Spiderweb - Oooh Melian is an interesting counterpoint to Ungoliant!

Tree - Celeborn/Galadriel <3

West - Círdan my (another) beloved

Hollow - There’s a rair (platonic) pair!!

Rage - love this exploration of Feanor

Name - Fantastic setting and characters for this prompt

Name reversed - oh my heart! 

Book – Just want to clutch him to my chest and hug him, poor bb!!

Feather - Beautiful descriptions!  *totally not getting teary*

Bridge - love this moment

North - Lossoth!! And the ring! O.O

Starlight - so tender

Reversed - Oooooohhhhh!

Tongue - Such a beautiful collection of- OH YIKES!!

Sky - <3

Gift - Love the metaphor!

South – beautiful!

Hook – D’awwww this was so precious!

(will finish this later tonight, loving every moment!)

Heart - oh heart indeed!!
Fate - "Is this how Míriel felt" oof!
Iron - it really does feel like Curufin might have been forced to abandon those skills he preferred, their lives making them unnecessary extravagances which could not be justified :(
Mouth - So many ways he lost his mother :'(

Solar system - such a fundamental change to absolutely everything!  Every natural law upended!

Gold - <3 <3 <3!!!  Yeesssss!

Noldo - Ingoldo!!

Torment - "Without the stars, are they yet Elves" Right through the heart!

Jaws - :'(

Vala - oh beautiful beautiful!!

East - Love this description of dawn and recalling the mingling

Spirit - Avari my beloveds!!! <3

Breeze - "breath of life" <3!!!

Sindarin Breeze - Oof, that was a turn.  Beautiful still

Metal - "sky-roads woven among the branches" what an amazing image!

Gate - all the gates of Gondolin <3

Heat - what a lovely touch of worldbuilding!

Wonderful collection!  Huzzah on getting them all