Our son and king by daughterofshadows

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Chapter 1

Shoutout to Chestnut for giving me the name Glorellim, that I ended up using for Gil-Galad's mother.

The boy is small, Círdan notices. Far smaller than an elven child should be. Still, it is a miracle he is here at all. A precious gift amidst the darkness, and Círdan will treasure it.

Glorellim sees her son grow up on the shores of Beleriand. The man running after him, taking care of him, loving him, is not the one she hoped to raise her son with, but Círdan is doing his best, and that is enough.

Beleriand sinks and Elrond is cast adrift, like a boat in a storm. Gil-Galad becomes his anchor, drawing Elrond back to the land as the second age goes on.

He leaves the ocean behind and finds a new family at Gil-Galad’s side.

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