One Flesh, One Soul. Part I by FellFireFan

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Chapter 3

377 A.D.

  Preparations were in full swing in the vibrant Ladros, nestled amidst rolling hills and embraced by a picturesque landscape. The air was alive with the sounds of laughter and joy, as women adorned the grand hall with tapestries and wrapped gifts. Fragrant wreaths of wildflowers adorned every doorway, infusing the atmosphere with their sweet scent. Meanwhile, on the outskirts of town, the men eagerly anticipated a day of hunting in the lush forests that surrounded Ladros. The golden sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The leaves rustled softly in the gentle breeze, whispering secrets to those who cared to listen. Vibrant birds flit through the branches, their melodic songs filling the air.

   Lord Boromir, a seasoned warrior with a gentle heart, stood amidst the stables, carefully grooming his horse. The majestic animal, with its glossy chestnut coat, stood tall and proud. Boromir's hands moved with practised ease, running the brush through the horse's mane.

 "Have you prepared your horse yet?" Boromir asked.

 "You mean the one that was gifted to me?" Bregor replied. "He is a magnificent creature!"

 "Lord Angrod presented it as a gift of begetting," Boromir explained, his weathered hand deftly picking horse hairs with an old, worn brush. "They have their own unique customs, choosing to celebrate the conception rather than the birth."

 Bregor's brow furrowed, his curiosity piqued by the unfamiliar tradition. "Is that not quite the novelty? How could they possibly know when to commemorate it? And even if they did, how would they know which one of the countless times it happened to commemorate?"

  Boromir tittered heartily, his laughter echoing in the stable. "Despite our familiarity with the elf lords, Bregor, certain questions are better left unasked," he said with a smile. "Well, we are ready! Where is he?" he asked, turning to Bregor.

 "Where is who?"

 "Your horse, Bregor!"

 "She told me you had him,"

 "Who did?"

  Realization dawned on Bregor, and his frustration boiled over. "Andreth!" He roared into the open stable doors.

  A powerful black steed rode furiously into the wind. Its glossy coat is rich with a beautiful blue shine. Its hooves beat against the rocky terrain, creating a rhythmic symphony that echoed through the valley.

  Riding atop the horse was a young maiden, Andreth, who seemed to be chasing the wind itself. Her lustrous, unrestrained hair, as dark as an abyss, flowed gracefully behind her like a shadow in the water. She rode with an unmatched grace, effortlessly navigating the meadows, streams, and ancient stone bridges that lay in her path. Like a beautiful wraith, untouched by death, the skirt of her simple white dress with gold trim billowed in the wind behind her.

   Eventually, she came to a halt on a majestic cliff that offered a sweeping view of Dorthonion. Between where two mountains meet, at their base, part of the white wall of Angband stood out, glittering on the sun.  Every day, she has returned to this sport to gaze on out at the elven stronghold that safeguarded their realm. It had been ten long years since she last laid eyes on him, and not a day had passed where he did not linger in her mind. His golden hair and fiery eyes burned their mark in her memory.  The wind blew long strands of her hair across her rosy, full lips. She sighed longingly. She tugged on the reins and swiftly departed from the cliff, venturing on into the depths of the enchanting forest.

  As she rode deeper into the woods, a sense of tranquillity enveloped her. Tall, ancient trees reached towards the heavens, their branches intertwining like a canopy over her head, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor. The air was thick with the earthy scent of moss and damp soil, intermingled with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers that carpeted the forest floor. A gentle brook trickled through the heart of the woodland, its crystal-clear waters beckoned her Andreth guided her horse to the brooks edge. Snorting contentedly, the horse happily drank the refreshing stream. She smiled serenely as it drank. Her fair, slender hands caressed the animal's strong neck. Blissfully unaware of the shadow that lurked behind her.

 "Well, if it isn't the lovely Lady Andreth," a voice, coarse and raspy, spoke.

  Andreth turned to see the trio of men on horseback staring back, the one in the centre, his predatory gaze fixed upon her. His dry, cracked lips stretched into a gnarly, wry grin as he ran his tongue along his yellowed teeth. His face was a canvas of unsightly scars, a broad, strong jaw that matched his form.

 "Nice horse you got there, it aint yours," he jeered.

 "You were warned to stay away from here, Hagrath! Move along and pester me not!" she hissed.

  "Does your brother know you stole his precious beast of burden?" 

  "Does your mother know she birthed a molerat? I do not wish to look upon your ugly face!" Andreth retorted.

 "You better watch that pretty mouth of yours, m'lady!" He grumbled and smiled, "every time you open it, I see it as an invitation," he murmured sardonically. Andreth scoffed loudly.

 "I would willingly surrender myself to an orcs potent kiss and die a shrivelled corpse than suffer even one touch from you! Now be gone, you disgusting man!"

 Scowling, Hagrath angrily dismounted, accompanied by his brothers. The three men closed around Andreth, towering over her. He grabbed her chin,  "Let me kiss you," he murmured. She slapped his hand away.

 "Get your foul hands away from me! Heed my warning and take your leave!" She yelled.

 "What exactly are you going to do if I don't, lady? Where is your brother this time? Not on his horse, dashing to your rescue!" He pointed at the horse as it drank. Taking a slow, deliberate step towards her, his lusty gaze wandered down the sleek curves of her body. "Dearest brother isn't coming to save you. You're all alone, and I've come to collect."

 "You were banished for good reason, wretched snake! Your complete lack of good sense is your own fault!"

 "Lack of good sense is venturing off on your own without an escort, knowing that I roam free!" He stepped closer. "Oh, the things I could do to you... ,"

  Andreth leapt upon her horse, one of the brothers grabbed her leg to pull her back off, but his face was met with hard sole of her shoe as she kicked him away and sped into a full gallop to the trees. Hagrath and his brothers jumped upon their horses and were in hot pursuit. Wooing and jeering at the thrill of the chase for their prize.

 "Yes! Run little rabbit! It's gonna feel twice as good when we catch ya!!" Hagrath roared with intense excitement.

 Andreth darted through the dense forest on her elven bred horse, faster and stronger than her pursuers steeds it quickly out paced them and gained a far distance until their cries and cheers were but a faint echoes in the winds. Desperate to gain some more distance, Andreth raced faster. Her panic was palpable in her teary eyes. She sprang out from a pathway behind a row of thick trees and near collided with another unknown rider. The other rider fraught to regain control of his horse, his long, dark brown hair flicking wildly around him. An armed elven soldier stared back at her, his grey eyes equally startled.

  Before long, Andreth was completely engulfed by a swarm of soldiers. She had unwittingly run into their patrol, throwing their ranks into chaos. They swerved to avoid her thrashing horse. Within moments, Andreth was completely surrounded by elven faces. Their alert eyes burning into her.

 She seized an opening and galloped through, leaving the patrol of surprised elves behind. She had cleared the forest and had made it to a clearing. Just as she thought she could breathe a sigh of relief. Hagrath alone shot out from the treeline and quickly caught up with her. He leapt from his horse and onto hers, grabbing her. She slammed the back of her head into his face. The dizzying blow served only to fuel his aggression. She released a piercing scream as she thrashed and wrestled. As he was struggling to gain control, a faint echo of thundering hooves grew louder, heading for them, stopping Hagrath's assault.

  The patrolling band of elven soldiers had caught up and was charging toward them at a ferocious speed. In a single line formation, the elves appeared from the treeline as a furious wall of horses and lances. They surrounded the pair. Encircling them in two perfectly formed circles, trotting in opposite directions with the inner circle going one way and the other circle going the other. Menacing glares fixed upon Hagrath. As they finally came to a halt and pointed their imposing elven lances at him. Hagrath hid his fear with rage.

 "This is a private matter between a man and his wife elves! Take your lances out of my face and get lost!" Hagrath lied. Andreth screeched in protest, only for Hagrath to tighten his grip around her and on her mouth.

  From the orderly formation, one particular elf broke into the centre ring. An air of complete authority exuded from him. His stern face and glaring fiery eyes locked on Hagrath. His head healed with a regal poise, adorned in golden hair like a royal coat of arms. Andreth's heart stopped, and her eyes grew wide. 

 "Release her mortal, and I may yet spare your life!" Aegnor ordered, his voice, deep and dripping with authority. Hagrath glared back at him, snarling. Aegnor face contorted with seething rage. His shoulders squared and low, His neck hammered with tension. His demonic, blood curdling bellow cracked the air as he roared his final warning. "Now!"

  Hagrath recoiled immediately, throwing his arms in the air. Andreth struck him hard with her elbow and pushed him off. As Hagraths bulky, heavy body came crashing upon the ground, there was a snap followed by a wailing cry. Aegnor looked at her. She returned his gaze, her eyes wide and tear stained. A lingering  curious gaze passing their fleeting eyes.

 "You broke my arm, you bitch!" Hagrath cried as he rose, mud and leaves clinging to his soiled clothes.

 "I did not know a parasitic insect could make so much noise!" Aegnor roared down at him. "Be gone, you loathsome wretch before I decend upon you and and end you pathetic existence right here!" 

 A monster though he was, Hagrath was smart and knew not to provoke this elf's wrath any further. Holding his broken arm, Hagrath scurried away to find his brothers.

 "Take heed! If I see your pathetic hide in my lands again, I will kill you!" Aegnor called out after him.

 "Did he wound you lady?" He asked gently, turning to Andreth.

 "Only my pride," Andreth replied unsteadily, utterly shaken. "Thank you," she whispered.

 "Where is your escort?" He asked.

 "My escort?" She replied."He is likely searching for his horse, my lord... which currently, I am riding."

  Aegnor's eyes fell upon her horse in a silent pause, visibly confused. Then they drew back to her. The air grew dence as their gazes on each other lingered, each utterly enchanted by the other. Finally, Aegnor tore his eyes away as if a sudden realisation had struck him and cleared his throat. "Can we... accompany you anywhere?"

 "You may escort me to the river!" She promptly replied, glancing behind her. Aegnor nodded respectfully and pivoted his horse around. She rode along side Aegnor through the trees, flanked by his retinue of soldiers. Andreth could not stop smiling, her joy at being reunited with her lost friend overwhelming her, more beautiful he seemed to her now then ever before. After a short journey, they arrived at the banks of a wide stream. They rode along its edge until they reached a sandy clearing between the trees. The sunbeams danced through the whispering leaves causing a breath-taking, glittering spectacle on the surface. "Is this far enough?"

 "Yes, I know my way from here," She replied.

Her eyes shifted to him. His gaze cast upon the water, the sunlight reflected upon its surface danced beams of light upon his face, his serene eyes captured a mesmerizing glow, both intense and beautiful.

  He looked at her and she quickly averted her gaze. Her lip pressed into a tense smile and she nibbled her lip. "I do not often find myself in need of rescuing but... I am reminded of how vulnerable a maiden is on her own,"  His eyes, intense and bright, lingered on her. The silence between them was deafening. She swallowed tensely. "I suppose there are many in need of a saviour lest they fall prey to coils of an evil fate, or the clutches of a ferocious troll," she smiled nervously. Aegnor's stiff visage revealed no emotion.

 "Be well, my lady." He said. There was a chilling finality in his words. Gentle, but no less formal. Andreths expression darkened, her smile fading.

 "I am truly grateful to you for saving me, lord!" She insisted, her eyes desperately searching his. The sweet song of the morning birds and the gentle trickle of the stream filled the tense silence between them. Aegnor tensed and turned away. Breaking the connection.

 "Surely, such a heroic deed deserves a due reward, name your price!" She added, her voice betraying a hint of growing desperation.

  "Maiden, I do not welcome your bold flirtations, kindly take your leave." He dismissed her, not meeting her gaze. Her breath trembled, her eyes deeply wounded,

 "Aegnor!" She murmured 

  Aegnor snapped his attention back at her. "How do you know my name?"

 "You have forgotten, "she gasped. Her fragile gaze locked in his.

 "Who are you?" He whispered, narrowing his eyes.

   She scoffed loudly and without an answer, she galloped across the stream, leaving the bewildered elf at the bank. He watched her fleeting figure ride away, her dark hair billowing behind her like a wraith, unable to tear his eyes away from the fleeing siren. He was wise to the enchantments of the fairer sex, yet she alone unnerved him. Her mystery and beauty haunting him on the rest of his journey home from his long-term command in Angband.

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