One Flesh, One Soul. Part I by FellFireFan

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Chapter 6


380 A.D


   The arrival of prosperous lords from afar to the great hall of Boromir drew all in a wave of excitement. With pomp and praise, they came, bearing gifts of silver and gold, jewels and arms, each with hope to win favour in the eyes of the fair Lady Andreth whose impressive presentation in their realms drew many hopeful suitors. Lady Anthel welcomed each with grace, sparing no expense to host a grand tournament and feast that lit the hall with merriment. By day, lords proved their mettle in joust and swordplay, vying for honour in sport. By eve, minstrels wove tales of love and valour to lift and enchant all hearts. 

   Yet for Andreth, solace was found alone amid the emerald woods and windswept fells of Dorthonion. On her faithful white stallion, she flew as fleet as thought, free as any faerie wanderer through glade and glen. No burden of suit weighed her fëa as she breathed deep the crisp airs, her continuous absence and strong spirit left much frustration to her mother. Whose threats to keep her daughter under lock and key was a temptation becoming too great for her to resist. Her rides brought brief respite to tensions within, for lords greatly desired to tame such a heart. Each saw in Andreth's fair form their own designs, blind to her spirit's song. 

   On one particular morning, Andreth rose very early, clad in a simple rough spun dark blue gown, well-worn, and faded. She resembled a lowly field girl a disguise she greatly favoured and slipped out of a side door in her fathers home. Her long hair draped over her body like a vail of black silk as she made her way to the stables, taking great care to keep her footsteps light and her presence swift. 

   She slipped past the guards whose drowsiness could not be more evident in the light snores and heads resting upon the support of their erect spears. She descended the steps leading to the stables. Pushing the wide wooden door open, she quickly retrieved her horse and led it out of its stall. It neighed and snorted excitedly for its run, and Andreth quickly silenced it with a gentle shush.

   Just as she was about to mount, a shadow upon the floor startled her. A tall, handsome man stood in the entrance. His dark wispy hair fluttered in the light morning breeze, and his emerald eyes considered her with a twisted grin.

  "Dear lady, your startled look does not befit one as fair as you," he spoke, his lithe frame leaning against the stable door.

  "My beauty is mine to gift, not for you or any other to claim," she replied firmly. "I bid you take your leave, sir, for I am busy."

  "You think your coyness fools me, maiden? I've proven my strength and worth in the games - my valour has won your hand!" He stepped closer, eyes alight with envy's flame. 

  "Others court me with honour, not entitlement. Be warned that patience and respect, not threats, will earn favour here," Andreth said, reigning in her ire. 

  "Ha! What care I for respect when fine gold and jewels buy all? My father's riches shall be your dowry, and you shall be my wife, whether you will it or no!" 

Her anger rose like a storm upon crashing waves.

  "I'll not be baited or bargained over like cattle! I am a lady of ladros, and you will show me the respect I am owed! Step aside or I shall scream, and the guards of my father shall come and drag you out!" 

   Immediately subdued, he complied and stepped aside. Her warning heeded, Andreth rode for pastures unseen, galloping fast o'er grassy plains where the the song of the trees echoed amid sun-dappled leaves. No cage, however gilded, could contain her flame. Hers was the right to love as she deemed fit.

   As she went about picking flowers in the enchanting forest bed, she fashioned a gift in the hopes of easing Variels' growing anxiety about the impending birth of her and her brothers first child. The gentle rustling of leaves and the sweet fragrance of blossoms filled the air. A serene smile played on her lips as she picked the finest, largest blooms. Lost in her thoughts, she heard the distant sound of hooves approaching. 

  "Ah! Another search party, hear to drag me back to the prison of waiting bodies eager to make a little wife of me! Pah!" She grumbled."We shall see who outsmarts who!"

  Andreth swiftly moved to conceal herself behind a towering oak tree, her heart pounding. Peeking through the foliage, she caught a glimpse of the group of horses galloping by, their forms a blur. They passed too quickly for her to discern their riders. Faint voices carried on the wind, teasing her ears, but their words remained unintelligible, though their laughter seemed hearty. She listened intently as they rode a distance away. The voices were certainly male, but they spoke in a tone that seemed different from her menfolk. It was angelic and melodious. Whoever they were, they did not seem in pursuit of her, much to her relief.

  With her heart still racing, Andreth quickly gathered her flower-laden bounty and mounted up. Urging her steed forward, she emerged from the forest's embrace, entering a vast open field that stretched before her. As Andreth carefully descended from the peak of a steep, grassy hill, the same rhythmic thud of hooves echoed behind her. Turning her gaze upward, she caught sight of the three majestic horses galloping along the hill's crest. Her excitement surged as she recognized one rider, bringing up the rear, his flowing mane unmistakable—it was Aegnor. Unable to contain her joy, she called out his name with fervour, her voice carrying loudly across the meadow. 

  His keen ears heard his name upon the wind, and his eyes caught sight of her. With his attention diverted, a rebellious branch inflicted its justice upon him. The branch's crack sent shocks of pain through Aegnor. His arms flew to his injured face. Off-balance, he was flung from his saddle as his loyal grey mare galloped on, unaware of the calamity that had befallen her master.

  Andreth watched in horror. Grass and soil blurred around him as he rolled uncontrollably. Aegnor crashed to a stop at the bottom, limbs splayed.

  Andreth felt her heart sink. She dismounted her horse and rushed to Aegnor's motionless form, his body sprawled on the grass. His eyes opened briefly to see her sleek form running toward him, only to quickly shut them again.

   Falling to her knees beside him, she placed a tender hand upon his chest and abdomen, but he was unresponsive. With a swift and graceful movement, she twisted away from him, her attention diverted to the contents of her satchel as her fingers delved into its depths, searching for an item.

   Aegnor's eyes squinted open. He watched her as she rummaged through her possessions, lifting his head. Finally, a small glass jar nested in her fingers as she pulled it out. Aegnor swiftly returned to his feigned unconscious state as her eyes fell upon him again.

  With nimble fingers, she deftly pulled the small cork lid, and it opened with a soft pop. She waved the jar under Aegnor's nose, and the pungent scent quickly exploded into his nostrils. He let out a loud, throaty cough and instinctively slapped her hand away, his face contorted with repulsion and mild annoyance.

  "What is that!?" he yelled, recoiling as he guarded his nostrils. She couldn't help but smile, mischief sparkling in her eyes. 

  "Smelling salts!" she chirped, displaying the tiny jar to him. "Do you truly believe I had fallen fool to your pitiful pretence? To fall unconscious to a wayward branch, you are not so fragile as that, Aegnor!" Her playful laugh dancing in the air.

  "I deserved no such penance for the ramifications you subjected me to! The abomination you wafted beneath my nostrils deems more fitting to repel balrogs from their chasms!" He retorted with matching humour, his eyes squinting. 

   She bubbled into peals of playful giggles. The air seemed to flutter around them as her beautiful smile captured his in a warm glance. Turning her head, she glanced toward the top, and her eyes caught sight of two elven figures observing them from the peak. She could not distinguish their faces, only noting the difference in their hair colours—one with dark locks and the other golden, much like Aegnor's but only brighter.

  "Are those your companions up there?" she asked, waving vigorously at them.

   He lifted his body up, leaning back on his elbows. "That is my cousin, Fingon, the king's son, and my brother," he answered.

  "Angrod?" she asked eagerly. Aegnor shook his head and rose to his feet with a single elegant motion.

  "Angrod is in Angband." He extended his hand to her. "That is my other brother, and our eldest...Finrod," Taking his hand, she rose to her feet. 

  "Did you say...Finrod? Finrod Felagund?" she asked slowly. Her gaze darted back to the distant figures, who were now riding along the crest of the hill in search of a safe path to descend.

  " only told me you had met the great Finrod, not that he was your own brother!" She cried. Aegnor smiled mischievously at her. 

 "And I told no lie, I had indeed met him... when I was an infant!" he quipped.

 "Aegnor!" A loud grunt of agitation emitted from her clenched teeth as she yanked handfuls of grass from the earth and hurled it at him. The clumps of grass fluttered around. Aegnor's playful laughter electrified the air as he dodged her every grassy propellant. 

  "Do you not know what a legend he is among my people!? His magnificence alone is unparalleled! I can not be seen by him in these tarnished old rags!" She clasped the skirt of her frock. Aegnor took in every detail of her worn out and re-mended attire. He noticed the loose tears and the frayed lace woven around hoops that held the sleeves in place. A charming and endearing smile stretched upon his face.

  "Your attire bears no flaw that I can see, for those things which hold memory are more beautiful to the Eldar than the most splendid of gems" he responded, his voice, a soft brush between them.

Her eyes met his in that moment, and a tender glance passed between them. 

    Finrod Felagund was coming their way. Her heart raced as he made his ethereal approach across the expanse of the open field, his horse drawing ever closer. The sun caught behind his head like a crown of light. His silver locks shined. He was dressed in simple, white clothes of delicate, flowing material and a matching mantle that danced in the wind.

  "I must take my leave!" She cried before abruptly taking to flight, making a dash toward her horse. Aegnor reacted immediately, grabbing her wrist, and he urged her to remain. This tug of war between them battled as Andreth pleaded with Aegnor to release her arm. Only for his grip to tighten each time she attempted to break free. They were interrupted by the soft snort of a horse. Andreth stilled and immediately pivoted her dark head to behold Felagund, smiling down at her, his captivating grin lighting up his face.

   "Gentle maiden," he uttered, his voice akin to threads of delicate silk, "the grandeur you ascribe to me is nought but a figment woven by enraptured minds. Your grace in our midst is wholeheartedly embraced," 

  Stunned by his appearance before her, his beautiful smile put the sun's brightness to shame. "It is an honour...gracious lord," she stuttered, bowing her head with her eyes cast down to the ground.

  "What is your name, Lady?" he asked, his gaze filled with curiosity and kindness

  "I am Andreth of Ladros," she answered, finally meeting his gaze. Her confidence is growing.

  "The daughter of Boromir and Anthel, I assume," he replied gently, curiosity sparking in his regal gaze,

  "Yes, I am acquainted with your brother Aegnor, that is the cause for my outcry and his accidental fall, I am to blame," she conceded

   Sudden laughter crackled from the elf lord. "My lady!" Finrod exclaimed, his eyes dancing with glee. "The style of which my brother rides could only be compared to the countenance of a wild bull!" 

  "Tis an impressive analogy of my character, Finrod!" Aegnor replied, unamused. "Just how long have you been waiting to say such?" 

   Just as he was speaking, Fingon rode toward them, Aegnor's reins clutched in his strong hand.

  "It appears our damsel in distress has found himself a rescuer cousin!" Fingon teased. "I do not think we are needed!"

   Finrod chuckled light-heartedly. As Aegnor endured the light teasing, Andreth could not help but join in. "I would not anger him, lords, I have never known a damsel so quick with a blade," she chuckled

  Hearty laughter bursts from the elves. The melody carried in the air like a beautiful song. Unamused, Aegnor stared silently at her. His hands resting agitatedly on his hips. Andreth held his gaze laughing shamelessly. His long, thick, wind-swept mane coiled messily down his body. Ribbons of black entwined with small decorative braids at the top of his head, pulled and tied loosely at the back, studs of pure silver pierced along their edges drew attention to his ears, pointed and destinctly elven.

  "Your undisputed reputation for your quick wit has just been thwarted, Aegnor!" Fingon jested

As they continued to jest and playfully poke fun at him, Aegnor remained silent, his thoughts momentarily consumed by Andreth's unexpected words.

  "Do you partake in the art of hunting, Lady Andreth?" Finrod asked

   "I do not lord, though the desire to learn burns within me,"

  "Then join us! Aegnor is the finest hunter among us, and I am certain he would be delighted to share his esteemed knowledge with you," Finrod suggested with a warm smile.

    Andreth glanced at Aegnor, finding a glint of light in his eyes as their gazes met. Her voice softened, and she delicately asked, "Will you teach me to hunt, Lord Aegnor?" Her soft smile added a touch of enchantment to her request.

    Aegnor stared at her for a lingering moment. Then, releasing a soft chuckle, his lips curled into an anticipating smile. Exhilaration flooded over her as she playfully bit her lower lip, a rush of excitement urging her to run and fetch her steed.

    Beside Fingon, Aegnor mounted his horse, settling into a comfortable position. As he did so, he noticed Fingon's gaze fixed directly upon him. A brief, silent moment of eye contact lingered between the elves, each trying to read the other's thoughts. Finally, Fingon broke the tension.

    "How did you come to know this maiden, Aegnor? She seems quite fond of you!" Fingon prodded, a flicker of suspicion lacing his rich, resonating voice. Aegnor paused before answering, his expression thoughtful.

    "Her heart is pure, and her feä, soft as morning snow. She is a cherished companion. You, at least, can respect that, Fingon," Aegnor replied, unblinking. Finrod was listening intently.

    Shortly after, Andreth returned to them upon her steed with an excited grin stretching across her face. Charmed by her strong spirit, Finrod invited her to ride alongside him. Aegnor took the lead, guiding the way as the four of them ventured into the depths of the forest. Andreth felt elated riding alongside Finrod, her heart filled with exhilaration.

    Despite the challenging terrain filled with ditches and obstacles designed to test her riding skills, Andreth effortlessly overcame each one, proving herself worthy to ride with the elven lords. She kept pace with them, matching their speed and skill. As the party suddenly switched direction, Andreth found herself riding in pace with Aegnor, who led the way. He noticed her, her eyes fixed ahead, a wide, toothy grin adorning her face. Her hair flew furiously behind her, the sun catching the rich redness mingled within her ebony locks. At that moment, she appeared more beautiful to Aegnor than any creature he had ever laid his eyes upon.

    Eventually, Aegnor halted the party, and they slowed to a stop. He dismounted and carefully examined the ground. His keen eyes spotted the tracks of a young and strong stag, and he noticed scratches on a nearby tree, measuring their depth to determine the stag's size. After gathering his findings, he mounted his horse once more and shared the information with the group, preparing them for the hunt to come.

    "A prize like that would indeed be a trophy worth taking," Fingon spoke to the group, his voice filled with anticipation.

    "But if there truly is such a stag, we should exercise caution," Andreth chimed in, her voice laced with wisdom. "We may not be the only ones hunting it."  

   "Andreth is right." Aegnor nodded, "Our best chance is to flank it, cutting off any potential escape routes and spreading open our line of sight."

      They continued to follow Aegnor's lead until the magnificent creature finally came into view. Its antlers were thick and strong, sitting atop its head like a crown of glory. The stag's coat was rich and dark, exuding a regal aura. It moved through the trees with a majestic grace, appearing almost like a spirit of the forest.

     Andreth couldn't help but gasp at its breath-taking beauty, for she had never seen such a creature before. It was a moment she knew she would cherish forever. Suddenly, with a burst of speed, the stag ran and swiftly disappeared into the depths of the woods, its white tail flicking furiously behind it.

     Finrod turned to Andreth, a glimmer of opportunity in his eyes. "This may be your chance, fair Andreth. Go with Aegnor, while Fingon and I take a different route. Aegnor will know when to advance."

    With those words, they separated each head in a different direction. Andreth joined Aegnor as they embarked on their pursuit of the majestic stag. The trail led them to a nearby bank, and they crossed it together. However, just as Andreth was halfway across, her horse suddenly became startled, whinnying loudly in distress. 

     Aegnor, hearing the commotion, swiftly pivoted around to see Andreth desperately trying to calm her agitated steed. Concern filled his voice as he called out to her. But before he could reach her, the horse reared up and forcefully threw her off, causing her to land with a hard splash into the water. Meanwhile, her horse galloped away, leaving her behind.

     Aegnor swiftly dismounted and ran to Andreth's aid as she moaned in pain from the blow.

  "Are you hurt?" he asked, his eyes filled with concern.

  "My leg!" she squeaked. 

She jerked back the skirt of her long wet dress, lifting it high, above her leg. A large, painful slice had cut along the tender flesh of her thigh. Thick red trickles stroked down the soft, smooth curves. Aegnor tensed as he saw the severity of her wound. He called his grey mare over, and she came immediately to his side, standing over them protectively while he rummaged through his possessions. 

     Andreth did all she could to stifle her crying as the tears threatened to spill out. The pain and shock were proving to be a test for her. Finally, Aegnor had grasped what he was seeking and knelt beside her again. His black boots imbedded ankle deep in the stream. Their elven made quality protecting his feet from the streams icy kiss. 

    Cold, wet, and shivering, she allowed Aegnor to tightly wrap her sleek thigh in a cloth of fine elven silk. Her eyes shifted to his face while he worked. She soaked in his every feature. The stray locks of golden, curled hair wisping around over his eyes, the way his eyes blinked rhythmically as the subtle, unconsciousness nibbling on his plump lip as he focused on her wound intently. She was once again overcome by his heavenly beauty. 

    "It will hold, but not for long, now come, put your arm about my neck," he spoke, his voice severing the moment.

     Pulling her arm around him, he clasped her waist and gently lifted her to her feet. She moaned in pain, her body protesting. Her teeth chittered as her clothes soaked up the icy stream. With grace and tenderness, he lifted her effortlessly upon his mare as if she were made of fine glass.

     She groaned as she battled to keep herself from crying as she slowly dragged her body upon the saddle. Settling in a side saddle, she released a soft moan as she gave him a tearful smile. A gaze lingered between them, silent yet filled with words. Aegnor stilled completely, his eyes fixed upon her, and she graciously wiped a tear away. Aegnor then raised himself up, swinging his long, shapely leg over the mare's neck, settling in front of her.

   "Let's find a place that's quiet. Put you arms around me," his buttery voice echoed smoothly. 

    A silent moment of hesitation followed. The soothing song of the forest birds and gentle river trickled delicately that amplified the silence as slowly, her hands slid around the sleek straight surface of his narrow waist, her hands meeting effortlessly at the front. Through the toughened material of his padded tunic, a strong, solid stomach of the elf welcomed her embrace. She released a stifled trembling breath as she clung to him. 

    "Oh, Aegnor," she relented softly. "My clumsiness has dashed your hopes of claiming your magnificent stag. Now, a duty of care has been thrust upon you," she laughed sadly. Aegnor inclined his head solemnly.

    "I am thankful for your clumsiness," he laughed softly. "It has granted me the opportunity to spend a moment with you," 

    With that, a soft smack of his lips urged his mare onward into a slow walk. Her steps were so gentle that it did not cause Andreth any further discomfort. Content by his side, Andreth allowed herself to be taken away, disappearing into the thick woodland with him amidst the shifting shadows of the leaves that danced above them. The slow ride through the spacious flat woodlands where leaves rustled beneath the steady, rhythmic clops of soft hooves brought Andreth back in time to a moment just like this. Only then, she was but a girl held against his body for protection and warmth, and only then had she felt so safe.

   In an attempt to find a safe spot on higher ground, Aegnor walked along a path that ascended a mountain side. Loose, soft dirt crumbled like soft clay beneath the horse's hooves, but Aegnor handled its challenging terrain with undisputed ease. 

    The soft moans and groans from Andreth as she endured the searing pain rippling through her leg, certainly made this trip all the more important. Hidden from danger, Aegnor, attune to the huffs and silent groans of echoing from Andreth, sought to distract her from her pain. 

  "Tell me, what is life like for you at home, among your family," his voice lifted her from her troubled thoughts. 

  "My days are spent caring for the children orphaned by war. As a noble lady of the house, it is my duty to take on the burden of motherhood to the motherless. It has come to be my greatest love,"

  "There is no doubt in my mind that you care for them well, how are they? The children? I arrived in Ladros upon a time to find your entire house gone." He replied

  "It must have been at the time of my presentation to the lords. It is a custom among my kind. For when the eldest daughter of the chieftain comes of age, she is paraded from land to land to let it be known that she is eligible to be wed."

  "Sounds positively ghastly." Aegnor shivered 

  "And it is! I hated every minute I was made to endure it, I fear I would die of boredom before they would see me!"

Aegnor burst into peals of laughter.

  "Now, they come in their hordes, competing and arguing to claim my hand." Aegnor listened as she continued, "I escape when I can and oft take long rides, only to feel the wind in my face and the peace of the morning forest," 

  "Ahh, is that what you were doing in the meadows when we encountered you? Hiding?" He chuffed 

  "No!" An agitated sigh blew from her lips ."Yes," she grumbled

Aegnor chuckled lightly.

  "You and Angrod must travel often. The roads between Dorthonion and Angband are perilous,"

    "Angrod and I, we are quite enamoured with the delights of travelling." 

    A slight smile curled at the edges of his lips as he continued. 

    "Upon one such night, as the tempestuous winds howled, we sought shelter beneath a tree atop a towering cliff. I returned to find Angrod deep in the throws of slumber and a pack of fell wolves gaining ground upon him,"

   "What happened?"

   "I seized Angrod's slumbering form and threw him over the edge of the cliff, plunging us both into the raging river below. Swept downstream for leagues, we at last found purchase on the opposite bank, drenched. There, Angrod turned to me, a fire burning in his eyes. Do you know what he said?"

  "What?" She smiled

  "Fool, you left the wine!"

   She burst into laughter, her beautiful chirps sweetening the air. "Do you partake in the delights of wine, Aegnor?" She asked. There was a pause before he answered, a lingering silence as he carefully considered his words 

  "When the desire to do so takes me, fair lady..." he answered quietly

  "My mother does not permit me the same indulgence, a grown woman I am, yet she insists still on watering down my ale supply," she replied

    An unspoken question she dearly wished to say weighed heavy on her as they climbed higher. The slow swaying of the horse beneath her, causing her to cling to him tightly. She nervously nibbled her lip.

   "Aegnor..." she breathed before speaking again. "There is a question I wish to ask you,"

Aegnor gently pulled on the reigns, and his horse came to a gentle stop. Andreth breathed before continuing.

  "Your brother, Finrod." She began. "It is said that he had left behind a beautiful she-elf, a betrothed, dear to his heart. Is this true?"

   Aegnor twisted his body around and gazed at her. Loose rocks and soil came yielded beneath the horses weight and crumbled down the mountainside. Her name rolled off his tongue like a dreamy lullaby.

  "Amarïe, that was her name," he replied softly.

  "Amarïe," she repeated. "I can not fathom what a beauty she must be,"

"Deep was their love, my brother's and hers. Not a day goes by when he thinks not of her, of that I am certain,"

    His admiration was evident in his dreamy tone as he spoke of them, coupled with a hint of sadness and longing.

   "Aegnor...," she said slowly, "Is there too an someone who deeply misses you, and you, her?" She breathed. The heavy silence was unbearable. More rocks began to crumble. The slight jerking of Aegnor's panic stricken horse broke the tender moment. Snapping Aegnor's attention away. 

 "Aegnor!" Andreth shrieked. 

   Soothing coo's and buttery elvish words glided from Aegnor's voice as he attempted to quell his horse's sudden panic stricken jerks. More earth crumbled away, causing the hind legs of the horse to fall with it. Andreth screamed as she slipped away, Aegnor reached behind and grabbed her arm. The large grey mare, Aegnor's trusty war companion, finally surrendered to the fall, taking Aegnor and Andreth with her. 

   Their bodies pummelled into rocks and broken sticks as they tumbled down the steep mountainside. The thunderous thudding as the body of Aegnor's mare came crashing ominously behind, narrowly missing them. They became separated in the chaos. Each fell uncontrollably in different directions. The fading of Andreths loud screams echoed in his ears as Aegnor tumbled furiously, leaves and roots upturned and hurled around him as he collided with branches. His body finally came to a sudden crashing halt against an unyielding tree. After a moment of ominous silence, he finally stirred.

    "Mmmh," he moaned softly as intense pain gripped his body. "Ooh," he quivered, slowly rising up. 

   His hair was tangled with leaves, dirt, and twigs. A cut above his eyebrow trickled a flow of red blood from his brow. He opened his eyes. His vision was a blur as he looked around frantically. His bright, messy hair flicked wildly around his body.

  "Andreth?" Aegnor wheezed. 

  The wind hissing in the tall trees was his only answer. Panting, he rose to his feet. He cradled his abdomen as the impact of the fall seized him, as though his body had been pummelled by a thousand hammers all at once. His expression twisted with an agonising grimace.

   He called out her name, louder. Still, there was no reply. Panic gripped his heart. He leapt into a sprint, dashing through the thick woods, ignoring the protests of his battered body to stop.

   Aegnor dashed through the trees aimlessly. His lips mumbling in frantic whispers as he prayed, beseeching the Valar to guide his footsteps toward her. As the frantic search for her drew on. He cried out to her one last time. As loud as his lungs would allow. His powerful voice bellowed into the surrounding trees, rattling the air. Still silence followed like a ghost's haunting song. Yet again, there was no reply. Distraught, he slumped ungracefully against a tree. His long, strong legs unfurling in front of him. He sought a moments rest for his wounds. Groaning softly, his jaw clenching as his body punished him. He panted heavily through the pain and the devastating reality that she was lost to him. The silence seemed more deafening to him now than ever before. Slowly, he rose again, wincing loudly.

  In a crestfallen daze, Aegnor glided through the trees of the silent and lonely forest, his heart sunk deep with sorrow. He knew not where he was, nor did he care. With each step, a painful reminder of the void that her absence had left in him. As he was walking, two strange men suddenly appeared from the distance in front of him. Aegnor had been so distracted by his thoughts that he had not paid them any notice until this moment.

  "You there!" one man yelled.

    Aegnor abruptly halted, his gaze fixated on the men standing before him. Agitation etched dark lines on his fair face, while his narrowed eyes betrayed a mix of confusion and suspicion. The man's words hung in the air, waiting for a response.

  "You the one making those noises? We came to see if you were hurt!" one of them inquired. Aegnor remained silent, "Would you like some water?" The other continued, holding out a waterskin to him. Aegnor did not even glance at hod offering but kept his stern eyes upon them and his hand firmly on his sheathed blade. His foot placed behind the other in a defensive pose.

  "Come on, elf, take a drink, we dun mean no harm," he continued, taking a step closer. Aegnor tensed immediately, his hands gripping tightly around the handle of his weapon. 

  "We can see you do not wish to be troubled. Is there anything we can assist with?" The scruffy man asked. His companion nodded agreeingly. 

  "Step out of the shadows!" Aegnor ordered. They obeyed his command and stepped closer into the ray of light filtering through the trees. "I have seen your faces before!" Aegnor yelled, his deep voice bellowing with authority. Suddenly, the flickering of metal erupted from their sides as the men withdrew their weapons and launched at him. 

  Aegnor held back until the very last moment. He swiftly drew his blade, and with a devastating, precise strike, he decapitated both of them. Devoid of a head, their bodies fell like a sack of hay before him. One severed head, he vented his anger at with a forceful kick from his boot. Launching it high into the air.

  He stilled immediately, his eyes wide with seething rage and high alert as ominous sounded a mocking, sinister tune surrounded him. With an elegant swivel of his sharp blade, he flipped his weapon in a reverse grip, raising it level with his eyes. His body tensing like a coiled viper. Ready to strike.

  Finally, three large, burly men slowly emerged from the trees and surrounded the elf. Aegnor stood in the centre of them, his eyes focused and his gaze calm and terrifying. The whistling eventually stopped, and a terrifying silence followed. A fourth man soon stepped out from the gloomy lurk of the dense trees. One who held in front of him a gift for the elf. Once Aegnor saw it, his eyes grew wide, and he lowered his knife.

  "No..," He whispered.

   Aegnor's eyes widened, his face marred by horror as Andreth was forcibly brought before him, covered in scratches and cuts from her fall.

  Her delicate figure was held in a vice-tight grip, a large, dirty hand wrapped ominously around her throat. Behind her stood the tall, imposing man, his sinewy frame pressed tightly against her back, a wild glint in his eyes and sweat rolling down his furrowed brow. His malevolent gaze pierced through Aegnor, his unkempt sandy red hair falling haphazardly over his dark, sinister eyes. He had returned, a figure that personified everything Aegnor abhorred in the world. 

  "You!" Aegnor hissed.

   His contempt boiling over, he made no effort to hide his disgust for them. Shielding his nose while the stench of these fowl beings assaulted his nostrils. The smell of sweat, stale urine, and shame. A surge of unyielding rage coursed through him as he witnessed Hagrath, his fowl, dirty hands upon Andreth. He glared at Hagrath, his face twisted into the manifestation of sheer fury.

  "The knife!" Hagrath barked, his eyes wide and crazed, his venomous voice dripping with malice.

  Aegnor's chest rose and fell in heavy, laboured breaths as his piercing gaze remained fixed upon the object of his seething rage. His steps grew restless, pacing back and forth in a frenzied display of agitation.

  "I have not met a single soul who has dared cross the line," he snarled fiercely, his lip curling in wrath. "But you... you have lost your mind!" Aegnor snarled

  "Hand it over! Or I snap her neck!" Hagrath snarled, his words a venomous threat. 

   With a loud sigh of rage, Aegnor hurled his precious knife, blade down into the ground, the blade embedding itself vertically in the soil.

  "Now, I will kill you!" Aegnor hissed. His low guttural growl laced with venom.

  "Take them all, I want everything he's got!" Hagrath yelled to his men. None stepped forward for Aegnor's imposing size and confidence greatly intimidated them. Andreth's tearful eyes locked with Aegnor's. With only an incline of his head, he asked Andreth if she was alright. His message was met with a brisk nod and a tear falling from her eye. 

  "Baryn!" Called Hagrath, turning to a much younger man in his gang."Search his body for more, take all his weapons! Move it!" Hagrath barked.

   The dirty, dark-haired man stiffened and released a tense sigh before slowly approaching Aegnor. The look in Aegnor's eyes as he came held the furious glare of a thousand demons waiting to pounce upon their pray. The young man trembled violently, trying not to show his fear. 

   Feigning confidence, he reached out a shaking hand toward Aegnor's lower body in an attempt to unclasp the sword belt that wrapped around his hips. Aegnor stilled as he approached. His outstretched hand came within mere inches of his body. When suddenly, Aegnor animated with ignited fury, the side of his fist collided forcefully with the man's face. The sudden bone breaking strike sent the man hurling to the ground with a sharp guttural howl of agony and surprise.

  "Woooo! He's got FIRE! " Hagrath squealed with intense excitement, relishing in the sight of Aegnor's aggression. "Think before you act elf! Is your pride really worth more than the precious life of this beautiful girl?" Hagrath screeched, gesturing to Andreth as his grip tightened around her neck. She shook her head, her tearful eyes wide with alarm, she pleaded with Aegnor not to comply with Hagrath's demands, for he was known for his tricks. Aegnor, however, was out of options. 

   He began slowly unbuckling his studded belt that held another sword. He unclasped the weaponry, adorning his formidable figure. The metal studs on his sword belt and upper harness shimmered in the dim light, concealing twin blades and compartments filled with throwing knives. The tense atmosphere was punctuated by the resounding clank of metal hitting the ground as Aegnor discarded his arsenal, one weapon after another until they lay in a pile around his feet

   The men watched with a mix of anticipation and unease, their eyes locked on Aegnor's every move. Nervously, Baryn approached, his hands trembling as he cautiously gathered the discarded items strewn about Aegnor's feet.

   With every movement he made, he made an effort to keep a cautious distance, unwilling to get too close. As Baryn reached for the last blade, his fingers hovering mere inches over it, Aegnor's boot swung out, kicking the weapon further away. The act jolted Baryn into a moment of unexpressed panic. His heart thundering like a loud drum in his chest Aegnor's actions seemed to taunt him, daring him to come closer.

   With a steely glare, Aegnor stared at the shaking man as he slithered across the elf's leg, reaching for the blade that he had kicked away. Just as his fingers curled loosely around the discarded blade, Aegnor's foot slammed firmly on it, trapping his fingers beneath it. 

   The weight of his glare crushed upon the terrified man, the unspoken and unwanted challenge hanging ominously in the air, filled with tension and uncertainty. Then, after a lingering tense pause, too long for comfort, Aegnor lifted his foot, releasing the blade from his hold. Baryn wasted no time, picking up the blade as he darted back into formation, sweating profusely.

  "Now here is a riddle. Why would such a skilled fighter need so many blades?" Hagrath jeered

   Aegnor's response dripped with disdain as he scoffed softly, almost offended by the question. "You think I need them!?" 

  He took a deliberate step forward, causing Hagrath to instinctively retreat, tightening his hold on Andreth's throat, his mocking grin dropping into a tense scowl. The air grew heavy. Aegnor's imposing presence loomed, his piercing gaze daring anyone to challenge him.

  "I found her lying in the dirt, all alone. It took everything I had to resist that beautiful, soft body just to see the look on your face," He jeered

  "Just let her go!" Aegnor replied, unwilling to entertain this degrading conversation any further.

  "Nah, you see, now we got a problem, I'm missing some people, my two brothers, or at least they were my brothers until you took their heads! But her...she's worth thirty men! What kind of fool would I be to throw away a moment of sheer pleasure with that!" He hissed

   "She's wounded! She's bleeding! She requires urgent medical attention!" Aegnor yelled

   "Is she now!? Just what have you two be doin' uh?" He hissed, his hot, moist breath melding into her crawling skin.

  "Vile Snake!" She roared, her rage seething.

  "Do you truly believe I am incapable of vanquishing every last one of you!?" Aegnor directed to the men surrounding him. His voice resonated with raw power, his open arms beckoning them forward. "I invite anyone to strike the first blow!"

    Silence engulfed them as the group hesitated, their resolve faltering in the face of Aegnor's unwavering confidence. None among them dared to make a move. 

   "You have not an idea of the things I am capable of!" If you wish to run, then do so, But you..!" He pointed at Hagrath, his fiery glare locked with his. "Death is a mercy you will beg for!"

    A sinister grin etched its way across his face. Hagrath, his eyes locked on Aegnor, bent his neck and slid his tongue along the graceful curve of Andreth's delicate, ivory neck, eliciting a piercing scream of revulsion and disgust from her. At that moment, Aegnor's composer shattered. Unable to witness any further defilement upon her, Aegnor flew at Hagrath, a knife launched into his hand, concealed beneath his bracers, ready to defend her. Before he could reach him, a quick footed assailant swung the hilt of his sword straight at Aegnor's head with merciless force. The world blurred into darkness as Aegnor surrendered to the realm of unconsciousness, his final act of defiance thwarted.


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