The Manly-hearted Woman by oshun
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: This is a story of Haleth. The challenge it meets requires that one write a story based upon one of the SWG bios about a character one has never written before. I owe many writers for my inspiration, but mainly those who have written Caranthir/Haleth stories I have read and enjoyed over the long years I have been reading Silmarillion fanfiction. I did write the original SWG bio of Haleth, but I wrote it so many years ago that I thought someone else might have written it, until I opened it to consult it for source material (it’s definitely one of mine). This is a story complete in itself, but I do reserve the right to add an epilogue. And once again, I must thank IgnobleBard for his Beta read at the last minute! Major Characters: Caranthir, Haleth, Nerdanel, Original Character(s) Major Relationships: Challenges: New Directions Rating: Teens Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 4, 373 |
Posted on 15 July 2017 | Updated on 15 July 2017 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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