I've Hungered for Your Touch by oshun
Fanwork Notes
IgnobleBard deserves more than the usual and-thank-you-to-my-Beta remark. He hopped into this with me nearly a week before the deadline and allowed me to feed him bits and pieces so I could finish in a timely manner. He was heroic and available. (I knew his exact schedule every day! Now that is friendship.) He is a "writers group" in the body of a single person. (Actually, don't pin any typos on him. I kept adding and editing after a section was finished and I am notorious at never passing up the chance to plant a juicy typo.)
Fanwork Information
Summary: Caranthir is offered a chance to read an unpublished diary entry. It’s a copy of a recently discovered ancient manuscript apparently written by Haleth the Hunter. It’s a follow-up to my previous story The Manly-hearted Woman, but can be read independently of that one. It is also an entry in the SWG Challenge Just an Old-Fashioned Love Song. (“...use a popular love song as a prompt to inspire a fanwork about romantic or sexual love. You will choose your own prompt from the list of love songs below.” I chose "Unchained Melody" by the Righteous Brothers: video | lyrics). Major Characters: Caranthir, Haleth, Nerdanel, Noldor, Sindar Major Relationships: Challenges: Just an Old-Fashioned Love Song Rating: Teens Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 7 | Word Count: 10, 517 |
Posted on 11 August 2017 | Updated on 12 August 2017 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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