The Small and Secret Things by Dawn Felagund

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Fëanor replies to Finwë from Monday's double drabble Blindness about his growing mistrust of the Valar.

There is something to be said, Father, for distance and perspective, the way you sometimes have to stand away from an object to see its flaws. You fault me for not having awakened beside Cuiviénen. But neither have you lived forever. Neither have the Valar. Even Manwë. Even Melkor. So back and back we go through time, till we reach Eru … and maybe something preceded Eru too. And we are all unwise, before the end.

I see by your eyes that you fear what I have just said. "Shaken the earth beneath your feet," we say, "to the very foundations."

And that is why we require perspective. If I cannot live forever and bear the wisdom of all the ages of existence, then let me retain wisdom enough to back away and trust my heart and senses to know when I am being made a fool. And strength enough to fight that, no matter how great the enemy I face.

Enemy? Yes, I say it, and you know of whom I speak. For they have betrayed the Elves before; they have denied protection to those far less dangerous than me, and their folly shall be both of our undoings.

Chapter End Notes

Today's Word:

riposte rih-POST, noun:

  1. A quick thrust given after parrying an opponent's lunge in fencing.
  2. A quick and effective reply by word or act.

intransitive verb:

  1. To make a riposte.

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