The Small and Secret Things by Dawn Felagund

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The Venerated

I've never been a huge fan of the Valar, but I have always (oddly) possessed a weak spot for Námo "Named After My Halls" Mandos. It is always fun to try to get into the mind of someone strong (or cruel) enough to bear seeing the future and knowing that he can do nothing about it. Here, he watches the Eldar arrive in Aman.

I watch the new-arrived Elves from afar, stepping from island to Aman, wide-eyed, taking in Light for the first time. It must hurt--it does hurt, I know--but their eyes remain wide, pupils tiny dots, soulless like the eyes on statues. They don't even blink.

Before Manwë, Ingwë collapses to his knees. Trembling hands catch Manwë's and kiss the bright sapphire upon his finger. Behind Ingwë, like a row of dominoes, the other Eldar slowly topple in veneration.

Begotten both in the mind of Ilúvatar, I know Manwë's surprised pride at this.

In time, he will pay for that.

Chapter End Notes

Today's word:

venerate VEN-uh-rayt, transitive verb:

To treat someone or something with deep respect, reverence or deference; to revere.

Venerate comes from Latin veneratus, past participle of venerari, "to revere, to respect, to worship," from venus, vener-, "charm, loveliness."

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