We were not born in Cuiviénen by Lyra
Fanwork Notes
Posted as part of the Silmarillion40 event.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Morwë tells Oromë about the origins of his people, contradicting some stories the Vala has heard earlier. Major Characters: Morwë Major Relationships: Genre: Challenges: Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 894 |
Posted on 18 September 2017 | Updated on 18 September 2017 |
This fanwork is complete. |
We were not born in Cuiviénen
Read We were not born in Cuiviénen
We were not born in Cuiviénen.
I should know, for it was I who led our people here when our homelands grew too hostile. The waters were running dry, the scarce trees withering, the ground spewing poisonous fumes. When we noticed that the beasts were leaving for greener pastures, I made the same decision. We followed the tracks of the beasts. We were guided, also, by strange dreams and portents that I tried to read as best as I could; and I suppose I did well enough, for eventually we came to Cuiviénen. Here we met others like us, who had no fur nor feathers nor scales, who walked on two legs and used their deft fingers to make tools and weapons.
Of course, that was a long time ago, before we had speech; and so I suppose it is not surprising that even the very old hardly recall that time before Cuiviénen, before we spoke or sang with words. Our memory is bound up in words these days, and although we still dance the old dances that tell the ancient tales, not many now recall their meaning. I do not grieve for that – if I did, I would set out to translate the old legends from the language of bodies to the language of words. There is very little use for the memories of a time in which we were different people. I merely feel that I should mention it, to give you the whole truth.
Mind you, it was in Cuiviénen that we came into our own. Not that life was entirely without danger here, for we soon found out that people who strayed too far from the waters might still be caught by the Dark Hunter, who would twist and turn them into cruel, hostile creatures. But the Dark Hunter did not have the power to make the waters run dry, nor poison the trees or the beasts that we hunted for food. The starlit waters provided safety, of a sort, and in that safety we could hone our crafts and make words. So it is fair to say that we became who we are in this place. But we were not born here.
I do not know if any of the others were. The Minyar, perhaps. The Tatyar, I think not, for they have dances similar to ours, telling stories of older times that perhaps some of them can read. They use different signs and motions and I do not know the experiences behind them, but they, too, seem to whisper of days before the protecting waters of Cuiviénen, days of want and insecurity, days of fear that went far beyond the shadow of the Dark Hunter. Besides, why would they be a people apart from the Minyar if all of them had been born here? Do not believe that story of First, Second and Third. It is something that we tell young children nowadays, in the words and numbers our clever minds have devised, but it is not a true story. For the true story, ask the smiths. They have far more lore than just the knowledge of metals and stones. Maybe they will tell you - although they do not normally share their wisdom with the uninitiated.
I see that you doubt my words. I cannot help that, I suppose. You have been told different stories, I know. I understand. Even I do not care much to remember the days before Cuiviénen, the time before speech, when we went unclad and slept wherever it seemed to be safe, struggled to feed ourselves and our children from day to day. Of course life is better here. Here, we have become the People of the Stars, the People Who Speak, the People Who Build And Create. Of course I wish that it had been like that all the time; of course I wish we had been born like this. That is why I do not bother to remind people of our true origin, and why I do not generally contradict the all too simple stories they tell these days. I cannot say why I am telling you this at all, but I feel that I should.
Perhaps it is because you say that you wish to understand us, and if you truly do, you should know this. We were not born in Cuiviénen, and if any of the Unbegotten ever lived, I have never met them, not even Enel who is supposed to be my forefather. We were not born in three tribes in this place: we come from different places. Our words do not speak of them, but our bodies remember, and that is why my people have skin as dark as the earth and skies of our homelands, why the Fisher-folk are lithe and slender as the fish that they hunt and the Forest-folk are nimble and swift like deer, why the Crafty Ones are strong and high-grown as the mountains in which they delve for ores and the Fair Ones have skin and hair as pale as the stars to which they sing their praises. We are all Quendi, but we were not always in this place together. Ask the smiths if you wish to know more. They guard all the secrets of the Earth-mother, and if they find you trustworthy, maybe they will tell you.
(1) Comment by oshun for We were not born in Cuiviénen
This is great, very creative and I like it a lot! I especially like this passage:
Our words do not speak of them, but our bodies remember, and that is why my people have skin as dark as the earth and skies of our homelands, why the Fisher-folk are lithe and slender as the fish that they hunt and the Forest-folk are nimble and swift like deer, why the Crafty Ones are strong and high-grown as the mountains in which they delve for ores and the Fair Ones have skin and hair as pale as the stars to which they sing their praises. We are all Quendi, but we were not always in this place together.
Also really appreciate his reasoning here:
For the true story, ask the smiths. They have far more lore than just the knowledge of metals and stones. Maybe they will tell you - although they do not normally share their wisdom with the uninitiated.
Re: (1) Comment by oshun for We were not born in Cuiviénen
Thank you so much! I'm thrilled that these passages resonate with you!
(3) Comment by Himring for We were not born in Cuiviénen
I see you've revisited your Morwe character here. Really interesting elvish prehistory! Pre-Quendi--there are resonances here both with canon and RL history that I can't all unpick.
Re: (3) Comment by Himring for We were not born in Cuiviénen
Morwe insists that he wants a whole Avarin novel at some point, but fortunately, he is content with the occasional ficlet for the time being. Glad you find the pre-history (and the resonances with real and canon history) interesting. Thank you!
(4) Comment by hennethgalad for We were not born in Cuivi...
as well-written as ever.
gosh, what a daring canon-attack ! i like the 'bee-dance' notion... i'm a bit of a dancer (6 years of ballet) but its really alien to me that i could communicate anything much other than my enthusiasm for the music. it makes your Elves (and the bees) feel stranger than ever.
also, as one with part-neanderthal genes, i must agree with your premise of multiple origins and later convergence. very thought provoking ! good one :)
Re: (4) Comment by hennethgalad for We were not born in Cuivi...
Aw, thank you! And I'm very glad you enjoyed my potentially heretic piece.
Heh, I normally write my Elves too human, so maybe this is a good occasion of rendering them a bit more Other. On the other hand, there are dancing traditions in which different body positions and gestures carry meaning, and even more modern styles like eurythmics that are meant to communicate messages, so I guess it's all human after all ;).
Amusingly, I didn't even think about RL precedents of convergence - I just felt like shaking up that silly Imin, Tata and Enel story up a bit. Neanderthal high-five!
(5) Comment by Robinka for We were not born in Cuiviénen
While reading this, I often found myself nodding and thinking, "Oh hell, yes!". What people may believe is one thing, the truth -- another, often uncomfortable. Thank you so much for writing this!
Re: (5) Comment by Robinka for We were not born in Cuiviénen
Wow, I'm thrilled I managed to elicit that response. Thank you so much for letting me know! :D
(6) Comment by Hrymfaxe for We were not born in Cuiviénen
Oh this was so good! I love this idea of nearly forgotten times, lost because there were no words for it. And communicating by dancing! :D And adapting to the environments they were living in.
Thank you for sharing!
Re: (6) Comment by Hrymfaxe for We were not born in Cuiviénen
I wasn't actually thinking of full-out communicating by dancing (in the way that bees do) - more like commemorating important events in dancing. Though presumably, there would have been gestures and motions for everyday use! But I'm glad you loved the ideas I played with in this fic. Thank you for commenting!
(7) Comment by ediacaran for We were not born in Cuiviénen
Thank you, Lyra, thanks a lot!!
I was wanting THIS for a long time now. Not only the counting story of Imin, Tata and Enel, but the whole mythical premise of Tolkien about "awakening" has always bothered me in a hundred ways, even if I perceive its lyrical beauty and I have enjoyed many marvelous fics where it is taken at its face value (and where its many fascinating consequences are shown).
At last, a scientifically verosimile tale of the origins of Elves! It could have been the record of an interviewing anthropologist. And is the knowledge of smiths a hint to paleonthology?
I love your stories for your excellent talent as writer, but I wanted to give support to your "heretic" view in this one. Science is cool!
And humble apologies if this review sounds strange, English is not in my mother tongue.
Re: (7) Comment by ediacaran for We were not born in Cuiviénen
Thank you for your enthusiastic review! And if you hadn't told me that English isn't your native language, I wouldn't have noticed; it does not sound strange at all.
I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed this story so much. I quite like the "awakening" story for its lyrical beauty, as you aptly call it, but I've always assumed that it was more mythology than history, and this was a great chance to explore that idea further. The fact that you see parallels to anthropology and paleonthology is high praise indeed. I have indeed taken some inspiration from cultural anthropology, including the concept of smiths as people with liminal powers and knowledge, so I'm very glad it comes across convincingly.
Science is cool indeed, and I think it can beautifully be interwoven with Tolkien's mythological themes to enhance and enrich the Legendarium. Again, I'm very happy that you enjoyed this "heretic" version of Cuiviénen. Thank you so, so much for your lovely review!
(8) Comment by Independence1776 for We were not born in C...
I adore this story. It's reminiscant of my own thought that Cuivienen was more of a myth than fact. And your narrator's voice is wonderful.
Re: (8) Comment by Independence1776 for We were not born in C...
Oh, I'm so glad this interpretation klicks with your own! I love the idea of Cuiviénen but also the reading of it as a myth, so having an idea to combine these two concepts made me so happy - and finding that it works for others makes me even happier. Thank you!