Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Loosely all the fics featuring or staring Fingolfin, Gil-galad, or Gil-galad's mother, Meril. Geographical focus on Hithlum and northeastern Beleriand. Also will be the Hadorian counterpart to the Bëorian collection.
The story of the leader of the Tatyar Avari in Beleriand and a reunion on the battlefield.
Long ago, before any of the elves awoke, there were two great lamps: one silver, named Illuin, and one gold, named Ormal.
The story of how magnets came to be.
"Try your hand at a form of fanwork you have not done before"
It has been said that the Silmarillion is unfilmable. That's probably true - but could it be made into a TV series as per Game of Thrones? (With, hopefully, a better ending).
This will (I hope) contain the suggested scripts for episodes of various seasons of a Silmarillion TV series.
Morwë and Nurwë may have been left behind with the rest of their family with no knowledge of events in Valinor (and little of what happens in Doriath), but the servants of Morgoth roam their woods as well.
Morwë tells Oromë about the origins of his people, contradicting some stories the Vala has heard earlier.
On the eve of the Great Journey, Morwë discusses his doubts with Finwë.