Ravens over Doriath by Hrymfaxe
Fanwork Notes
Originally posted for the Silmarillion40 event.
Fanwork Information
Summary: In the aftermath of the Second Kinslaying (some gore and horror themes). (Artwork) Major Characters: Eluréd, Elurín Major Relationships: Genre: Challenges: Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 028 |
Posted on 13 October 2017 | Updated on 13 October 2017 |
This fanwork is complete. |
(1) Comment by grey_gazania for Ravens over Doriath
This is absolutely gorgeous and completely chilling.
Re: (1) Comment by grey_gazania for Ravens over Doriath
Thank you so much. I could not hope for a better reaction than that - pretty much exactly what I was aiming for.
(2) Comment by Robinka for Ravens over Doriath
This is fantastic. Not only I feel coldness emanating from the paintings, to the point I had to close the window because I was really cold. This is ill-boding and very true, even though not gory at all. Creepy. And all those birds... :::shivers:::
But, in the end we can't tell why they flew up. There is hope, someone might just scare them off and save the two princes. Or the were going to be a feast...
What an idea! And awesomely done, too. My hat's off to you, Hon!
Re: (2) Comment by Robinka for Ravens over Doriath
Oh my goodness. Thank you so much! I love creepy. :D
There is hope, someone might just scare them off and save the two princes. Or the were going to be a feast...
Yes the ending can go both ways, and I love stories where the twins actually make it!! But you never know with those birds....
(3) Comment by Himring for Ravens over Doriath
Oh! Oh no! Leave the kids alone, birds. You must have had enough corpses to feed on already...
Re: (3) Comment by Himring for Ravens over Doriath
Yes shoo!!!
Thank you for reading. :)
(4) Comment by hennethgalad for Ravens over Doriath
ooh fab, i sent a link to someone who likes ravens ! beyond the rec...
serious kudos.
Re: (4) Comment by hennethgalad for Ravens over Doriath
Thank you!
I love ravens too (even though you would think they creep my out from this!) and I hope your friend enjoys it too.
(5) Comment by oshun for Ravens over Doriath
This is awesomely creepy and magnificently done. I love the use of water colors--the transition from abstract letting-the-paint-do-its-own-thing to precision in other places. I am sure crafting all those birds was difficult and tedious, but the effect is absolutely worth every minute you put into it. A tour de force! Love it!
Re: (5) Comment by oshun for Ravens over Doriath
Thank you! Your comments make me very happy. :D It was literally a Tour de Force as these three pages were all eseentially finished on three days, and just before I had to send them in! It really kept me in the headspace though! And yeah, I think I could probably paint those birds in my sleep by now... ;)
(6) Comment by Lyra for Ravens over Doriath
*shudders* Chilling, but absolutely beautifully done. The second panel stands out in particular, but really, they're all excellent.
Re: (6) Comment by Lyra for Ravens over Doriath
Thank you!! I'm really pleased to have made you shudder. :) I love the second panel too, but it took so long that I started panicking about having enough time for the rest, so I'm glad my plans for them were less complex!
(7) Comment by oshun for Ravens over Doriath
I admire your work so much. It's even more fun to have seen your craft develop over the years!
Re: (7) Comment by oshun for Ravens over Doriath
Thank you! I could not wish for a more encouraging group to grow in. And now I am considering doing a post showing what I have learned since I made my first Tolkien drawing 10 years ago!!
(8) Comment by Lordnelson100 for Ravens over Doriath
Beautiful and grim. You so effectively and economically tell an entire story in these few panels.
Re: (8) Comment by Lordnelson100 for Ravens over Doriath
Thank you so much! That really makes me very happy.
(9) Comment by Grundy for Ravens over Doriath
I'm a terribly tardy reviewer, but I loved this. The sparse use of color makes it all the more striking and poignant.
Re: (9) Comment by Grundy for Ravens over Doriath
And I'm a terrible tardy responder! Thank you so much for leaving such a wonderful comment.
(10) Comment by Independence1776 for Ravens over Doriath
Wow! This is marvelously creepy and I love the paintings themselves.
Re: (10) Comment by Independence1776 for Ravens over Doriath
Thank you! I do love creepy, so it makes me happy you think so. :D
(11) Comment by Athrabeth for Ravens over Doriath
This is amazing! I really like your art style, and the stark colors used.
Re: (11) Comment by Athrabeth for Ravens over Doriath
Thank you so much!! Bleak, stark colors for a bleak, stark story. :)