Ravens over Doriath by Hrymfaxe

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Fanwork Notes

Originally posted for the Silmarillion40 event.

Fanwork Information


In the aftermath of the Second Kinslaying (some gore and horror themes). (Artwork)

Major Characters: Eluréd, Elurín

Major Relationships:



Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 028
Posted on 13 October 2017 Updated on 13 October 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Ravens over Doriath

Read Ravens over Doriath

Ravens over Doriath, panel 1, artwork by Hrymfaxe

Ravens over Doriath, panel 2, artwork by Hrymfaxe

Ravens over Doriath, panel 3, artwork by Hrymfaxe

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This is fantastic. Not only I feel coldness emanating from the paintings, to the point I had to close the window because I was really cold. This is ill-boding and very true, even though not gory at all. Creepy. And all those birds... :::shivers:::

But, in the end we can't tell why they flew up. There is hope, someone might just scare them off and save the two princes. Or the were going to be a feast...

What an idea! And awesomely done, too. My hat's off to you, Hon!

This is awesomely creepy and magnificently done. I love the use of water colors--the transition from abstract letting-the-paint-do-its-own-thing to precision in other places. I am sure crafting all those birds was difficult and tedious, but the effect is absolutely worth every minute you put into it. A tour de force! Love it!

Thank you! Your comments make me very happy. :D It was literally a Tour de Force as these three pages were all eseentially finished on three days, and just before I had to send them in! It really kept me in the headspace though! And yeah, I think I could probably paint those birds in my sleep by now... ;)