Ravens over Doriath by Hrymfaxe

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Fanwork Notes

Originally posted for the Silmarillion40 event.

Fanwork Information


In the aftermath of the Second Kinslaying (some gore and horror themes). (Artwork)

Major Characters: Eluréd, Elurín

Major Relationships:



Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 028
Posted on 13 October 2017 Updated on 13 October 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Ravens over Doriath

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This is fantastic. Not only I feel coldness emanating from the paintings, to the point I had to close the window because I was really cold. This is ill-boding and very true, even though not gory at all. Creepy. And all those birds... :::shivers:::

But, in the end we can't tell why they flew up. There is hope, someone might just scare them off and save the two princes. Or the were going to be a feast...

What an idea! And awesomely done, too. My hat's off to you, Hon!

This is awesomely creepy and magnificently done. I love the use of water colors--the transition from abstract letting-the-paint-do-its-own-thing to precision in other places. I am sure crafting all those birds was difficult and tedious, but the effect is absolutely worth every minute you put into it. A tour de force! Love it!

Thank you! Your comments make me very happy. :D It was literally a Tour de Force as these three pages were all eseentially finished on three days, and just before I had to send them in! It really kept me in the headspace though! And yeah, I think I could probably paint those birds in my sleep by now... ;)