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I bet my bias for Elrond is showing here. He's one of my favorites. Cannot help but think he would try to track Melian after he sailed West and I believe he is just that determined. Thank you for reading it and letting me know you liked it.

Author's Response:

I bet my bias for Elrond is showing here. He's one of my favorites. Cannot help but think he would try to track Melian after he sailed West and I believe he is just that determined. Thank you for reading it and letting me know you liked it.

I really like your strange, almost alien Melian and how Elrond's interaction with her revitalizes her spirit. Elrond is always fun to write, there are many ways to go with him with all his history. I could imagine him getting weary just trying to relate it all. The ending of his return journey is perfect for his character too. Another great character piece with unique descriptions.

Thanks! Thanks! I wrote a big long thank you and somehow think I closed it without posting. I need a nap! You were good to me when I was sick and pathetic and made me feel like even with only half of my synapses firing I could still post a little ficlet and not feel shame! You are kind and warm person--kind of like Elrond the way I like him (a little smug too sometimes! Afterall, Elrond is almost half-Feanorian--the nurture half of the old nature vs. nurture discussion!).

A wonderfully entertaining read!  I'm so glad I decided to visit DW and LJ after such a long absence, to discover the entries for this challenge that Dawn had posted!  Yours is the second story I've read and I intend to read all of them.

Melian is one of my favourite of JRR's characters.  Because I love her I've always written her as a more or less sympathetic character and I do love the "side" of her that you've painted here.  She comes across as kind of scary - a witchy woman indeed.  (Thanks for putting that song in my head.  I'm sure it'll stay there until I can replace it with something just as catchy.)

" In the short time he had spent in Aman, he had found a most frustrating lack of any sense of absurdity among the Ainur."

This line made me laugh so hard.  I'm not up on the latest lingo, but will 'As If!!'! do, or perhaps 'I know, right?'  The Ainur certainly aren't known for their humour, are they?

Anyway, I do love the conversation between Melian and Elrond that you've written here. 

His words and attitude almost verge on the disrespectful, yet he does sense her arrogance - she is very self-centred and I'm sure that irks him more than a little.  It must have been very tiring to talk at length with her.  At least Elrond seems to have a good sense of humour and managed to get through the encounter unscathed.

As usual you have written characters that seem so real!

OMG..."The Mists of Avalon" is a book I've had for ages but have not managed to pick up and read yet.  I wanted to read it so badly ages ago.  I don't know what is wrong with me.

Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment!! I am glad you enjoyed it.

I am glad I made you laugh too! I was trying very hard not to write pure crack-fic but I got very close at times! My real-life is largely quasi-tragic crack-fic so I am not always a great judge. I am able to laugh at it though. So I guess I am channeling Elrond in this story! I think he has a lot of empathy with Melian, but also has a pretty dry sense of humor. Melian also occupied a human form for a long time--up to including giving birth which is quite the essentially human experience! Nothing else quite compares to that! So I believe that Elrond went into the encounter convinced that he could reach her. And I believed it too. And he finally did!

Short-shorts are really a challenge! I don't know why people believe they are easy! They are definitely not!

Too bad you did not read Mists of Avalon earlier! It's still not too late, but it does not improve with age! It's got a decent plot and a lot of great language and some terrific scenes! But it was more ground-breaking when it came out than it is now. But I enjoyed it a lot. I definitely recommend that you find the chance to read it if you can.