Darker Than Galvorn by Araloth the Random

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Fanwork Notes

This was my first attempt at writing something serious and turned out to be - well, a lot angstier and depressing than I expected. Comments are greatly appreciated! :)

Fanwork Information


Aredhel certainly causes a stir in Gondolin when she comes home with a son - and pursued by an angry husband. Slightly AU.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Eöl, Idril, Maeglin, Turgon

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: General


Chapters: 2 Word Count: 4, 731
Posted on 24 September 2009 Updated on 6 February 2010

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

I haven't followed exactly what Tolkien described in The Silmarillion, so please forgive me for taking some liberties! Any quotes I've used are in asterisks.

Comments on Darker Than Galvorn

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

This is a very intriguing look at Eol's character, Araloth! :) I particularly liked how you showed his awkwardness with people compared to metal and his craft. I can really see this as a reason for why he behaved as he did without condemning him, unequivocally, as an evil character. This creates a lot of sympathy for him, at least to me (I suspect that more than a few of us can probably related to, at times, being more comfortable with the inanimate than with people! :), and makes me want to know more about his character.

Interesting too is Eol's perception that Aredhel is returning to her cage. But what he fails to realize is that he, too, kept her in a cage. I think you show this well in this story; the line about how Maeglin's silence was not caused by introspection but by sorrow particularly caught my eye. Throughout the Silm, the notion of "caging" people out of love for them--and the destruction that it inevitably causes--is an important theme that Aredhel and Maeglin really embody, and you've brought that out here. Now you've got plotrabbits nibbling my ankles and begging me to write an essay on that theme! ;)

Thank you for the thought-provoking story!

Hello! Thank you for the review. :) Despite the fact that Eol is Tolkien's idea of a bad Elf (I guess!) I'm absolutely fascinated by his character. Too many of us, including me to begin with, tend to only see through the Noldorin point of view when it comes to the issue of Eol, and I wanted to try and show his thoughts. Maeglin too is an interesting character and I still like to think of him as being introvert, but it's his very introvertness that makes him sorrowful, which in turn is what makes him silent. I feel sorry for the kid. I'm glad you found this to be thought-provoking. If I'd dwelt on the 'caging' part more I think this fic would have suddenly gotten a lot longer! I'd love to see an essay on that theme, actually. Thanks again! :)