A Part in Great Deeds by Hallbera

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Fanwork Notes


Written for Darth Fingon's Genfic Swap Challenge. Beta read by Aeärwen and Pandemonium_213 - thank you!


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Is That a Strongbow in Your Pocket or Are You Just Glad to See Me?


Fanwork Information


As Maedhros son of Fëanor assembles an army to challenge the forces of Morgoth Beleg asks Thingol's permisson to leave for war.

Major Characters: Beleg

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 164
Posted on 4 February 2010 Updated on 4 February 2010

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on A Part in Great Deeds

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This is a wonderful story! It answers a question that I have pondered? What must it have been like to have approached Thingol for permission to go to the  Nírnaeth Arnoediad. The examination of the state of things in his court by that point in history rings very true for me. I also can accept the deterioration of the relationship between him and Melian by that time. Her behavior in your story can be traced to hints in canon of her mistrust of his involvement with the Silmaril.

Best of all I very much like the idea that Beleg and Mablung had the courage and initiative to participate in what was the last best hope at moment to overcoming the enemy. For one not to have wanted to be part of the effort seemed to me that one must have been in denial, delusional, or a little crazy.

It's terrific how much detail and amount of examination of the question you have managed to squeeze into so few words. I was thrilled when you told me that you also read my Beleg character bio which gave you some insight into how they might have felt about approaching Thingol and expressing a desire to join in that struggle. Sure way to win the heart of a recipient in a fic swap! Thank you again so very much for the lovely story.


I didn't only read it, but printed it out, underlined in several colours and scribbled notes in the margins in two languages. I don't think I ever devoted such attention to any of my course books when I was in school... 

I'm so glad you liked my story! I guess I can now finish the ones I've started without too much trpidation :)


I think you've done remarkably well describing that decision process--the way you move back and forth between Beleg and his thoughts and his interactions with Thingol and Mablung. It is very well paced. Also, the background is very well done; it gives me a real feel for Doriath as a place to live and as a society. (Sorry for the style of this comment--I seem to have run out of adverbs at the moment!)