Fandom Voices: Filmverse Fans by

Posted on 26 August 2022; updated on 17 May 2023

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Table of Contents

About Dawn Felagund

Dawn is the founder and owner of the SWG. Like many Tolkien fans, Dawn became interested in Middle-earth thanks to Jackson's Lord of the Rings films, but her heart was quickly and entirely won over by The Silmarillion. In addition to being an unrepentant fanfiction author, Dawn is an independent scholar in Tolkien and fan studies (and Tolkien fan studies!), specializing in pseudohistorical devices in the legendarium and the history and culture of the Tolkien fanfiction fandom. Her scholarly work has been published in the Journal of Tolkien Research, Transformative Works and Cultures, Mythprint, and in the books Not the Fellowship! Dragons Welcome and Fandom: The Next Generation. Dawn lives on a homestead in Vermont's beautiful Northeast Kingdom with her husband and entirely too many animals.