Fanworks Tagged with Finrod & Maglor

This is a Writing fanwork

Lay the Heart Bare, Leaf by Leaf by IdleLeaves

A collection of flashfic, drabbles, and snippets.

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This is a Audio fanwork

Hearken Still Unsated by polutropos

When the Noldor return to Middle-earth to make war on Morgoth, only rumours reach Menegroth of their reasons for coming, but Doriath's minstrel experiences their loss and longing through his connection to Music and the gift of his Queen. Years later, he is sent to the Feast of Reuniting and meets the Elf whose grief he felt. A story about the Eldar returning home, their connection to the land and to each other, and their relationship to Music and fate, love and free will. 

Fanwork Information

This is a Writing fanwork

gold & burgundy by hanneswrites

“Forgive me,” Finrod muses, the ends of his lips twitching up in a teasing smile as he ties a delicately embroidered burgundy sash around Maglor’s waist, “I had forgotten that you only hang out with me for the fashion advice. No other reason.” 

Years of the Trees Gen Slice of LIfe fic

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

This is a Writing fanwork

Ash and Embers by IdleLeaves

When Finrod rides into the valley of Imladris just after sunrise, half-shrouded in a frosty late-autumn mist, Maglor is certain he's gone mad at last.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents