Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Written for Understory-challenge, inspired by StarSpray's story 'Rising as if Weightless'.
While his court is still enjoying the feast he gave in honour of the Princes of Doriath That Was, Olwë stands alone before the mosaic depicting him and his brothers.
The Eglath were lost without Elwe. But eventually, they found him. What did that reunion look like? Let's find out.
As the Fourth Age begins, Elu Thingol at last returns from the Halls of Mandos.
"Try your hand at a form of fanwork you have not done before"
It has been said that the Silmarillion is unfilmable. That's probably true - but could it be made into a TV series as per Game of Thrones? (With, hopefully, a better ending).
This will (I hope) contain the suggested scripts for episodes of various seasons of a Silmarillion TV series.
A collection of short vignettes concerning Elmo (with appearances by basically all his family and quite a few members of Finwë's family prior to going to Valinor, among others).
Elu has gone to Valinor with Finwë and Ingwë, and those left behind are forced to make up for their absences, no matter how young the ones left behind are or if they have to find their own families.
A collection of Silmfic written for SWG’s January 2017 ‘Taboo’ prompts. Some will be co-written with, or perhaps solely written by, my co-author and dear friend Emma, and those will be noted.
Of the history of the Elves at Cuiviénen and the development of the the three tribes, of the family of Elwë and the discovery of Oromë, of how Indis received her name and Ingwë earned his, and of the honor duel between Imin and Ingwë to decide the leadership of the Minyar and the future of the Eldar.