Fanworks Tagged with Pengolodh

This is a Writing fanwork

They Went in Haste by Dawn Felagund

A collection of drabbles written for instadrabbling sessions on the SWG Discord.

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This is a Writing fanwork

The View from within the Mountains by Dawn Felagund

Pengolodh ponders how best to craft the story of the early First Age. (Drabble)

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Deaths of Kings: Historical Bias in the Death Scenes of Fëanor and Fingolfin by Dawn Felagund

The death scenes of Fëanor and Fingolfin parallel each other closely in plot, beginning with the rash pursuit of single combat with Morgoth. Yet the manner in which the narrator of The Silmarillion, Pengolodh, employs language and symbolism leads to two very different conclusions that likely served to advance Pengolodh's political and personal agenda. Written for B2MeM 2017 for the prompt "Analyze a Chapter or Passage" on the nonfiction (orange) path.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Translations from the Elvish by Himring

Elrond and Bilbo discuss "Translations from the Elvish" and its sources, especially the writings of Pengolodh.

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This is a Reference fanwork

Pengolodh by Dawn Felagund

A biography of Pengolodh, emphasizing what he would have known of the history he wrote about and how that impacts interpreting The Silmarillion for fanfiction.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Breathless by elfscribe

Glorfindel knows that his clandestine affair with King Turgon will cause a scandal if discovered, especially since the King has outlawed all sexual relationships. But when Glorfindel seeks to understand his own heart, he discovers how impossible it is to keep secrets in Gondolin’s closed community.  Written for 2016 MSV.


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This is a Writing fanwork

Song of the Stone by Dawn Felagund

Newly arrived at Khazad-dûm in the Second Age, the Elven loremaster Pengolodh presents a portion of his new book to Narvi only to discover that his understanding of the “great profit” that existed between the Dwarves of Belegost and the people of Caranthir in the First Age is not quite what he assumed. Written for Zdenka for the 2015 LotRGenfic/MPTT Yule Exchange.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Whom Thou Namest Friend, Part One by ElrondsScribe

I'm a bit embarrassed by this story now, but I thought I'd share it with you all anyway. I only got three chapters into it, but I don't think I'm likely to update it. It crosses over with Narnia, and follows Omega. You really have to read Omega before starting this one.

NEW: Major revisions being made. This story is meing re-written to make it consistent with Avenger of Blood.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Of Oaths, Common Sense, and a Silmaril by Aiwen

The third Kinslaying was a hideous self-inflicted wound for the elves of Beleriand. With a little common sense and pragmatism, could it have been averted? Or is that asking too much of all parties involved?

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This is a Writing fanwork

Coda by Marta

After the fall of Numenor, Nienna ponders the nature of loss. (Also featuring Pengolodh.)

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This is a Writing fanwork

Illuminations by Dawn Felagund

For Back to Middle-earth Month 2009: scenes from the life of young Pengolodh, the loremaster of Gondolin whose writings brought us The Silmarillion.

Truth for Day Eight: Beauty/Ugliness
The Mountains and the Sea, for Day Nine: Anti-Heroes

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This is a Writing fanwork

Stars of the Lesser by Dawn Felagund

Young Pengolodh meets his first Fëanorian beside the sea, as Celebrimbor attempts to replicate Fëanor's greatest accomplishment: harnessing light. MEFA 2008 nominee.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Journeys of Vása by Dawn Felagund

A series of vignettes about the first rising of the Sun, from the perspectives of different characters. Check the Table of Contents for more specific summaries and warnings. MEFA 2008 nominee.

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