Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Tar-Palantir, king of Numenor, at some point in the later part of his reign: night thoughts and a dream.
Tar-Palantir and his descendants tried to stem the rising rebellion against the Valar and Eldar in Númenor. Though the drowning of that land speaks to their ultimate failure, their legacy perpetuates in the Mortal realms of Middle-earth into the Third Age.
From Numenor to Imladris, the stories of the past are handed down, culminating in a momentous occasion.
In which the winds of change are sweeping through Númenor, and Míriel does her best to stand steady in the storm.
Míriel has a mysterious encounter after a Festival of Uinen at Rómenna. Much later, facing death for herself and her people, she makes a bargain with the Lady of the Seas.
Three gifts Miriel gives the Lady of the Seas over the years, and one the Lady gives to her in return.
Míriel has always loved the Sea. After the Downfall of Númenor, the Lady of the Seas offers her refuge and comfort. (Tar-Míriel/Uinen)
The Alkallabeth was written as a history, but histories rarely reveal the whole truth. What was the truth behind the life of Tar Miriel, last queen of Numenor?
Tar-Palantir makes a decision upon receiving the Sceptre of Númenor, a decision that does not meet with universal approval.
An attempt at writing a drabble or other short fiction every day, based on the Word of the Day. Please see the story notes for more information. ETA: This project is on indefinite hiatus. I am working on my second degree as well as working full-time and so have had to tell the muses to take a hike. Hopefully, once my classes end, I'll be able to get back into writing.
The History of the Downfall, from Ar Sakalthôr's accession to Ar Pharazôn's Armada. EPILOGUE: In Middle-earth, life begins anew, and hope lies hidden in the most unlikely places. Story now complete.