To Stand Fast Against the Night by Fiondil
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Tar-Palantir makes a decision upon receiving the Sceptre of Númenor, a decision that does not meet with universal approval. Major Characters: Amandil, Ar-Pharazôn, Elendil, Gimilkhâd, Inzilbêth, Original Character(s), Tar-Míriel, Tar-Palantir Major Relationships: Genre: Drama Challenges: Akallabêth in August Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 2, 934 |
Posted on 14 August 2009 | Updated on 14 August 2009 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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A Note on Names: Tar-Palantir was known as Inziladûn before he ascended to the throne. For purposes of this story, his nephew, who would take the throne-name Ar-Pharazôn ‘The Golden’, is here given the birth-name Gimilkhôr ‘Flame Lord’ (cf. his grandfather’s name, Ar-Gimilzôr ‘Silver Flame’). Ar-Pharazôn’s father’s name, Gimilkhâd, is attested. I have given Tar-Palantír’s wife’s name as Belzimra ‘Jewels of Light’ (cf. Ar-Belzagar ‘Sword of Light’). Númendil, Lord of Andúnië at this time, his son, Amandil, and Amandil’s son, Elendil, are addressed by their Adûnaic names: Númendil (Adûnazîr), Amandil (Aphanuzîr), Elendil (Nimruzîr). Aphanuzîr and Nimruzîr are attested. Adûnazîr is constructed based on what is known of the language [See ‘The Notion Club Papers’, Sauron Defeated, HoME IX].
A Note on Language Use: Generally, everyone in the story is speaking Adûnaic, however, when alone with either his mother, wife or daughter, Tar-Palantir will speak Sindarin. This is also the case when speaking to his cousin Númendil and the other Faithful, so long as others are not present, and then they will switch to Adûnaic, since it is still forbidden for the Elvish languages to be spoken in public.
A Note on Ages: Inziladûn (Tar-Palantir) is 140 and his brother, Gimilkhâd, is 131. Amandil is 150. Míriel, Gimilkhôr (Ar-Pharazôn), and Elendil are within one year of each other, with Míriel being the oldest at age 58 and Elendil the youngest at age 56.
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