Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Fixed length-ficlets featuring Elendil the Tall, one set during this childhood in Numenor, the other after the Fall of Numenor.
Miriel of Numenor, King's Heir, has a premonition while taking a painting lesson from her paternal grandmother. It ends up making her painting one of foreboding.
It isn't wise to paint while foreseeing prophetic visions, that's for sure...
(For Zimraphel/galadhremmin on the SWG Discord, written to the "Marathon Swimming" challenge - two things that are unwise to do at the same time)
Inzilbeth, daughter of Lindorie of Andunie, struggles to maintain her childhood faith, when she is pressured into marriage with Gimilzor, prospective heir to the throne of Numenor, and finds herself surrounded by fervent adherents of the King's Party at court.
The birth of her elder son, the future Tar-Palantir, gives her hope.
From Numenor to Imladris, the stories of the past are handed down, culminating in a momentous occasion.
Tolkien-related poetry on various subjects, mostly written for B2MeM. (I've only cross-posted the Silmarillion poems here; the version on AO3 and MPTT includes the LOTR-related ones also.)
Drabbles set during the First and Second Ages of Middle-earth. (Exactly 100 words as counted by MS Word.) Please see table of contents for individual summaries and warnings.
Tar-Palantir makes a decision upon receiving the Sceptre of Númenor, a decision that does not meet with universal approval.
Second fic in my arc about a certain Númenorean family of notorious traitors. This time I give you Melkorbazer, a character who also gets mentioned in my fic Full of Wisdom.