Drabbles: The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales by Zdenka
Fanwork Notes
Note: I'm closing this drabble collection now and starting a new one, before this one gets too unwieldy. I've rearranged the drabbles in approximate chronological order of Middle-earth history. If anyone prefers to read them in the order they were written, the version on AO3 remains in posting order.
#1, 4, 9, and 13 were written for Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Drabbles set during the First and Second Ages of Middle-earth. (Exactly 100 words as counted by MS Word.) Please see table of contents for individual summaries and warnings. Major Characters: Amandil, Celebrimbor, Elwing, Erendis, Eärendil, Finduilas, Galadriel, Inzilbêth, Lalwen, Lúthien Tinúviel, Maedhros, Nellas, Nienor, Original Character(s), Tar-Míriel, Thuringwethil Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Het, Slash/Femslash Challenges: B2MeM 2012, B2MeM 2013, Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild) This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 26 | Word Count: 15, 128 |
Posted on 29 April 2016 | Updated on 22 July 2016 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Show all chapters on a single page
Table of Contents
Lalwen receives a poem. (Elemmírë/Lalwen)
(A haiku always feels a little insubstantial to me, at least when I write them, so I wrote a drabble with a haiku in it.)
Galadriel sees Lúthien dancing in the woods of Doriath. (Galadriel/Lúthien)
Thuringwethil is attracted by the danger of Nan Dungortheb. (Thuringwethil/Ungoliant. Warning for giant evil spider. I'm sorry.)
A follower of Celegorm and Curufin in Nargothrond finds herself beginning to doubt. (OFC/OFC)
(For those who remember Feredwen, this is a different character.)
Finduilas helps free Lúthien from captivity in Nargothrond. (Slight Finduilas/Lúthien.)
Lúthien has taken Thuringwethil's skin to wear; Thuringwethil takes it back for a moment. (Lúthien/Thuringwethil. Warning for brief possession/horror.)
Celebrimbor rebels. Possible AU (it probably didn’t happen this way, but I got an image in my mind and wanted to write it).
Nellas shows Nienor a new place. (Nellas/Nienor)
Nellas and Nienor are caught in a spring rainstorm. (Nellas/Nienor)
Elwing fears for her children. (Eärendil, Elwing)
Eärendil returns home to Elwing. (Eärendil/Elwing)
Celebrimbor makes a symbolic decision.
A Dwarvish craftswoman, fearing her own lack of eloquence, makes a gift to speak her feelings. (OFC/OFC)
Celebrimbor sees the ruin of Ost-in-Edhil. (Warning for aftermath of violence.)
The fall of the House of Fëanor. (Maedhros, Celebrimbor)
Celebrimbor speaks to Annatar. (Warning for non-graphic torture.)
Erendis creates her own weather.
After her marriage to the King of Númenor, Inzilbêth receives a message from her beloved, a woman of the Faithful, and sends her own in response. (Inzilbêth/OFC. Warning for reference to forced marriage.)
Amandil remembers the Eldar.
Written for tolkien_weekly, prompt "Petrology: slate" (Tar-Míriel, Tar-Palantir)
Written for tolkien_weekly, prompt "Petrology: marble" (Tar-Míriel, Tar-Palantir, Gimilkhâd, Ar-Pharazôn)
Written for tolkien_weekly, prompt "Petrology: chalk" (Tar-Míriel)
Written for tolkien_weekly, prompt "Petrology: obsidian" (Tar-Míriel, OC)
Written for tolkien_weekly, prompt "Petrology: granite" (Tar-Míriel, Amandil)
A last drabble to round off the sequence. Inspired by the Petrology series of prompts at tolkien_weekly, but not directly based on it. (Tar-Míriel, OCs)
Eärendil experiences the change in the shape of the world.
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