Drabbles: The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales by Zdenka

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Courting Gift

A Dwarvish craftswoman, fearing her own lack of eloquence, makes a gift to speak her feelings. (OFC/OFC)

Firazul had mined the gold herself from the vein of ore below Zirakzigil, refined it, shaped it, hammered and polished it, set it with gems that shone cold blue like a glacier's ice.

Yet now, looking at the necklace, she feared it was not bright enough for Arudâl--merry-hearted and fearless, surrounded by friends. Firazul was nearly invisible among a crowd, silent except in matters of her craft. But Arudâl sought her out, her smile warm and welcoming.

Firazul drummed her fingers nervously against her ankle. Arudâl made her tongue-tied; the work of her hands must speak for her heart.

Chapter End Notes

Written for Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo, for the prompts:

Four Words: below, ankle, invisible, glacier (I11)
Language of Flowers: Wisteria: Welcoming (I11)
Opposites Attract: shy/confident (G36)
Story Elements: A gold vein (I11)

Zirakzigil: the Dwarvish name for Celebdil or Silvertine, one of the three mountains of Khazad-dûm.

Though it doesn't come into the drabble, this is meant to be set in the Second Age, when the friendship between the smiths of Eregion and Khazad-dûm flourished.

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