Drabbles: The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales by Zdenka

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Eärendil returns home to Elwing. (Eärendil/Elwing)

It is cold and vast, the waterless sea upon which he sails. The vessel of the sun sails here too, but her warmth does not reach him. The moon's light is beautiful but chill. All night he journeys, with only the other stars for company. Then at last, at last he comes in sight of the tower, and Elwing rises gladly to meet him on white wings. As she touches the deck, her feathers fall away and she stands, lovely, in her own form before him. He clasps his wife to his breast, and her embrace warms him all through.

Chapter End Notes

Written for elwing_alcyone's prompt at fic_promptly: "The Silmarillion, Elwing/Earendil, Bird Girl and the Man Who Followed the Sun (Velma Wallis)."

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