Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Erendis prefers the birds of Emerië.
Erendis walks under the stars with her child and tells her a tale.
The child Ancalimë makes plans for a kingdom.
'Erendis perished in the water in the year 985,'- Aldarion and Erendis, The Book of Lost Tales. But she did not die because she missed Aldarion.
The women of Erendis's household tell each other stories on a rainy day. (Or, a tale from New England retold in Númenor.)
Tolkien-related poetry on various subjects, mostly written for B2MeM. (I've only cross-posted the Silmarillion poems here; the version on AO3 and MPTT includes the LOTR-related ones also.)
Drabbles set during the First and Second Ages of Middle-earth. (Exactly 100 words as counted by MS Word.) Please see table of contents for individual summaries and warnings.
Except not really. Two moments from the lives of Erendis and Ancalimë.
Written as a treat for Tallulah for the 2015 LotR Secret Santa exchange.
A sequence of eight drabbles spanning the history of Numenor, with a particular focus on the period of Aldarion.
Now added: an extra drabble on Amandil for the Akallabeth in August challenge
A more intimate recounting of aspects of the story of Erendis and Aldarion. Third chapter is posted now.
Erendis has given up on her errant husband and is no longer waiting for Aldarion to return from his voyage to Middle-earth. Or so she says.
Originally written for B2MeM 2012, but posted here for Akallabeth-in-August and to go with Oshun's excellent new biography of Erendis.
Although never mentioned in The Silmarillion, Erendis rivals the most significant women in Tolkien’s legendarium in forcefulness of personality and certainly in sheer number of words expended upon her behalf.
Erendis reflects upon her life.
The lament of Erendis, after Aldarion Prince of Numenor rideth hence from Erendis' country-home when returning from a long journey; and she realises what hath truly become of life. It is written in 1st person as Erendis speaking and thus neither of their names are actually mentioned.
Written in alliterative verse, after the style of the ancient Anglo-Saxon metres...
A gathering place for ficlets of varying length written in response to prompts, prods and as gift ficlets.
New (added February 15/16, 2025): Instadrabbling fics from various SWG server sessions in early 2025 (marked in the respective chapter notes) as well as a few spontaneous drabbles.