Price of a Broken Promise by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Erendis has given up on her errant husband and is no longer waiting for Aldarion to return from his voyage to Middle-earth. Or so she says.

Originally written for B2MeM 2012, but posted here for Akallabeth-in-August and to go with Oshun's excellent new biography of Erendis.

Major Characters: Erendis

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Akallabêth in August

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Mature Themes

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 549
Posted on 2 August 2012 Updated on 2 August 2012

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Price of a Broken Promise

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Oh, Himring, this is excellent. The tone and pitch of it is perfect. I can absolute imagine her doing that and her thoughts about it are exactly what I would imagine as well.

I love her annoyance at the idea of him "hobnobbing with elven royalty, quaffing mulled wine with Gil-galad or Cirdan, warm and comfortable and safe" to the growing admission her anger is based upon fear and her thoughts shift to "torn sails and masts, fogs, treacherous currents and insidious rocks, mangled corpses afloat among the sea wrack, bones sinking to the ocean floor."

Like it so! And thanks for recommending the character bio. I had a lot of fun writing. Now I am kicking myself for not including the parts about her bringing the bough for the prow of his ship. Yep! I think I am going to be finding myself writing some Eldarion and Erendis fanfic in the near future also.

Thank you very much, Oshun! As you've just worked your way through the canon on Erendis, it means a lot to me that you find this sketch of her convincing! 

I did notice you had not mentioned the bough. But there were lots of things in that bio that I had half-forgotten about the story and was delighted to be reminded of. Also, as always, your comments  threw an interesting new light on things I had taken too much for granted or not thought through very clearly.

And I'm looking forward very much to reading Erendis fan fic by you!