Fanworks Tagged with Torture

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Scratching an itch by chrissystriped

The healing scabs on Mablung's back are itching like mad. Melkor decides to help him with that and... other things.

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Stars by curufinweatarinke

Celebrimbor is his father’s son.

(snapshots from the life of a more Fëanorian Celebrimbor)

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You’ve seen my descent, now watch my rising by Sleepless_Malice

Years after the escape from Angband, Maedhros is plagued by insomnia, nightmares, and endless pain. With the specter of his suffering hanging over him, he discovers a way to overcome his numbness, at least for a few hours.

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Darker than Night by Luxa

While hunting, Amlach and Maedhros are pulled from their excursion by a surprise messenger, who asks them to take on a task great than either of them realize. They should have realized that finding traitors is no small task.

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Survivor by Tyelca

A creature-something between Elf and Orc flees from the Shadow, only to realize the Shadow has been inside him all along.

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Thangorodrim Triptych by lightofthetrees

A set of three ficlets. The first explores Fingon's interactions with his father and siblings after returning from rescuing Maedhros. The second involves Maedhros, Mairon, smithing, and symbolism. The third is a heart-to-heart between Fingon and Maedhros in which Maedhros confesses that he is going to pass the kingship of the Noldor to Fingolfin.

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Picking Up The Pieces by Grundy

After the Fall of Gondolin, Maeglin's more than a little broken. Is there any hope for him?

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(the rings of) Power by just_jenni

Celebrimbor laments, in confession style, the part he played in creating the Rings of Power.

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One day in Doriath: Strength and Beauty. by hennethgalad

The relationship between Celeborn and Thranduil, the engagement of Celeborn and Galadriel. 

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Sons of Fire and Blood by Ar-Feiniel

A tragic poem for each tragic son of Fëanor - their glorious rise and disasterous fall. Fëanorian week 2017.

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A Different Kind Of Peace by Tyelca

During various moments in his life, Celebrimbor is forced to reconsider the meaning of peace.

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Solitude by Erulisse

It is written that Melkor was imprisoned in the depths of Mandos for Three Aeons after his capture in Middle Earth. Studies in modern times have proven that true solitary confinement leads to madness and that interaction with others is essential to mental stability and healing. Yet, Melkor sat isolated and alone - was he already insane, or did his extreme solitude tip the balance and plunge him into deeper madness. I present a conversation between Melkor and Namo written for the Taboo challenge categories of Murder, Cannibalism, Ostracism and Exile and Consequences. 

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The End of All Things by Tyelca

An Orc dies; what happens when he wakes up again in the Halls of Mandos and is forced to remember that he too belonged to the race of the Eldar?

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The Battles We Choose by Hoglorfen

Even at the best of times, life in the Black Land is a struggle. Its denizens seem to be their own worst enemies and things are rarely as they first seem. A certain Orc finds that out the hard way. Sequel to "Wolves And Shattered Shields".

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Wolves And Shattered Shields by Hoglorfen

An Orc and an Elf tries to learn to live with a bond that should not be, but as the War between the Elves and Sauron picks up things go from bad to worse. Sequel to "The Ties that Bind".

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The Chain That Snaps by Independence1776

Elrond rescues Maglor from a laboratory. Hurt/comfort.

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A Cunning Deceit by Sleepless_Malice

Mairon discovers a new game he likes to play with his favorite captive, and much to his amusement Maedhros takes equal delight in it — until the illusion scatters. Spiced up with a pinch of unhealthy Angbang.

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Our Love is Great by Huinare

It was said that Gorlim greatly loved his wife, Eilinel. Other things went unsaid, though the result was the same either way.

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The Temple of Melkor by hennethgalad

A cleaner at the Temple makes a badly-timed remark.

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Werewolves by hennethgalad

A letter from Beren to Galadriel concerning Finrod's death.

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the quality of mercy by simaetha

Celebrimbor makes one last attempt to reach out to his friend.

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