Thangorodrim Triptych by lightofthetrees
Fanwork Notes
The Adult rating here is really just to be safe for future chapters. I don't intend on including anything super graphic but there is definitely implied physical torture, as well as Sauron being Sauron on screen.
There's a lot of stories featuring this series of events (Maedhros' captivity, rescue, and recovery) and I wanted to put in my two cents.
It's so much fun to be writing Silmarillion stuff again! :)
Fanwork Information
Summary: A set of three ficlets. The first explores Fingon's interactions with his father and siblings after returning from rescuing Maedhros. The second involves Maedhros, Mairon, smithing, and symbolism. The third is a heart-to-heart between Fingon and Maedhros in which Maedhros confesses that he is going to pass the kingship of the Noldor to Fingolfin. Major Characters: Aredhel, Fingolfin, Fingon, Maedhros, Sauron, Sons of Fëanor, Turgon Major Relationships: Genre: Drama Challenges: Rating: Adult Warnings: Torture, Mature Themes |
Chapters: 3 | Word Count: 3, 472 |
Posted on 7 August 2017 | Updated on 6 November 2017 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
Inspired in part by “Weep and be Burned” by Gwedhiel.
Available here:
I don't know if I'm really happy with this chapter, but here it is.
Also, I'm unsure as to whether it's correct here to refer to Sauron as Mairon, but I don't know if he was referred to as Sauron yet (there's a headcanon I really like floating around Tumblr where it's Maedhros who starts calling him Sauron), so I just stuck with Mairon.
The final chapter, long overdue, and a little shorter than I'd like it to be. It's actually been done for a while, but real life has gotten in the way of my feeling ready to post it.
So here it is - thank you for reading!
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