Thangorodrim Triptych by lightofthetrees

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Fanwork Notes

The Adult rating here is really just to be safe for future chapters. I don't intend on including anything super graphic but there is definitely implied physical torture, as well as Sauron being Sauron on screen.

There's a lot of stories featuring this series of events (Maedhros' captivity, rescue, and recovery) and I wanted to put in my two cents. 

It's so much fun to be writing Silmarillion stuff again! :) 

Fanwork Information


A set of three ficlets. The first explores Fingon's interactions with his father and siblings after returning from rescuing Maedhros. The second involves Maedhros, Mairon, smithing, and symbolism. The third is a heart-to-heart between Fingon and Maedhros in which Maedhros confesses that he is going to pass the kingship of the Noldor to Fingolfin.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Fingolfin, Fingon, Maedhros, Sauron, Sons of Fëanor, Turgon

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Torture, Mature Themes

Chapters: 3 Word Count: 3, 472
Posted on 7 August 2017 Updated on 6 November 2017

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

Inspired in part by “Weep and be Burned” by Gwedhiel.
Available here:

I don't know if I'm really happy with this chapter, but here it is.
Also, I'm unsure as to whether it's correct here to refer to Sauron as Mairon, but I don't know if he was referred to as Sauron yet (there's a headcanon I really like floating around Tumblr where it's Maedhros who starts calling him Sauron), so I just stuck with Mairon.

The final chapter, long overdue, and a little shorter than I'd like it to be. It's actually been done for a while, but real life has gotten in the way of my feeling ready to post it. 
So here it is - thank you for reading!

Comments on Thangorodrim Triptych

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Thank you! 
I was really inspired by how, in the fic I linked in the notes (Weep and Be Burned), Melkor and Mairon try to convince Maedhros that his predicament is his own fault. And I figured since he's Feanor's son, making him forge the band that holds him to the side of Thangorodrim would be the kind of think the Angband crew would do. Because irony. 

Thank you!! :) I wrote this quite a while ago but I definitely remember it making me really emotional while writing. Maedhros' decision to give the crown to the Nolofinweans is one of my favorite events to explore - it says so much about his character - and I think it would definitely have been something he told Fingon as early as possible.