Quenta Narquelion by bunn

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Fanwork Notes

“The Fea is single, and in the last, impregnable. It cannot be brought to Mandos. It is summoned; and the summons proceeds from just authority, and is imperative; yet it may be refused.” — Laws and Customs of the Eldar, p223 Morgoth’s Ring: History of Middle-earth Volume 10.

The original text of this document, written in what appears to be First-age Fëanorian Quenya, survives only in one badly damaged copy. Fortunately, at some point it was rebound with a better preserved translation of the text into Sindarin, with Westron annotations.

Despite the language, it is clear from the improbable and fantastical content that it is not as old as it appears. The document as a whole is considered to be a post-Gondorian forgery, or academic folly, though some historians have considered the detailed account of the Eastern Front of the War of Wrath may be taken from some older work.

This is a reader’s edition rather than an academic text, and so in my translation, I have chosen to follow the Sindarin text, and use the familiar Sindarin form of names used by the lords of the Noldor: for example Maedhros throughout, where the Quenya text sometimes refers to Nelyafinwë, Maitimo, Russandol or occasionally wild inventions by the author that are unsupported by other texts. Some names are given in both texts in the Quenya form only, and these have been preserved as written.

The title Quenta Narquelion can be translated “Tale of the Fire-fading” or “Story of Autumn” and is given only in Quenya.

Fanwork Information


What if Fëanor's spirit never left the halls of Mandos because it never went there in the first place?

Fëanor, dead, watches the First Age unfold and from time to time, joins in. Canon-compliant character death and a detailed account of the Eastern Front of the War of Wrath. [Thanks to pp for beta reading] 

Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Fëanor, Maedhros, Maglor, Sauron, Sons of Fëanor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 23 Word Count: 119, 810
Posted on 8 May 2018 Updated on 27 June 2018

This fanwork is complete.

Table of Contents

Elrond and Elros are approached by Maedhros with a request for diplomatic assistance.

'If I had a host of Elves in armour of the Elder Days, it would avail little save to arouse the wrath of Mordor' (Elrond: Fellowship of the Ring)

Elrond finds out about the armour of the Elder Days, and what it can and cannot avail against. Maedhros loses his temper, and Fëanor's ghost meets a dragon.

See Map Larger

The forces of Valinor are on the West bank of the Sirion, which is too wide to be crossed onto the East bank, occupied by Morgoth's forces, except via the land bridge formed by the Western end of the Andram Wall. The remnant Feanorian force is at Belegost in the Ered Luin. Himring is occupied by the Enemy at this point, and probably so is Mount Rerir. The best military route to Angband is across the Sirion and North between Himring and Mount Rerir (Maglor's Gap.)

There is a map for this chapter, but it contains a spoiler so I've put it at the end.

The fort of Wallsend at the eastern end of the Andram Wall is otherwise undocumented. It is possible that the author of this document had access to other sources not otherwise preserved, but some scholars consider Wallsend to be a complete fabrication.

Many thanks to lordnelson100 for invaluable help with the last two chapters.


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I've just realised that although the centering and bold text have copied across, the italics have not: I'll have to go back through and put them back in!   I hope it doesn't make Feanor's dialogue too hard to read.   This sort of thing is the reason I haven't got to copying across all of Return to Aman yet! 

Really liked the fight between Fëanor and Sauron. It reminds of the song contest between Finrod and Sauron, and the images used were great: kinslaying versus the humiliation of Melkor! I hope for some Fëanor versus Melkor now, and wonder if Fëanor will ultimatly go to Mandos and meet with Fingolfin again.

“Thank you,” Elrond said, his eyes bright with laughter. “I’d hate to feel my education lacked something compared with a century or so of the finest teaching in Tirion, despite war, orcs and the Black Enemy of All the World.” 

I really love this chapter it is one of my favorites. I know these comments I am leaving are insufficient. Sometimes I can write long rambling comments and other times I can't, but I just want you to know how much I love details of this story.

Elrond's curiosity and his optimism are young Elrond as I have always imagined him!

Oh I was so happy to see another chapter. What a lovely end. I like the fact that Celebrimbor wears the Star, even though it is hard. And that he staus among the remnants of the Fëanorion loyalists and free thralls.

His conversation with Elrond reveals so much of both of them. I'm glad Elrond is looking, has thought it out and that they both agree some shouting is necessary. Their palpable frustration that they missed signs of what Maedrhos and Maglor would do in the end and that they were deceived rings true. 

Elrond's to speak for them is just right--as we know from your others fics he does accomplish that. And poor Celebrimbor is right--Fëanor's grandson sailing into Alqualondë demanding a Silmaril is asking for trouble. But the advice to seek out Finrod--because he knows everyone and that he of all people would still be willing to help is perfect.

and I loved the twist at the end! That Fëanor wrote and rewrote this history and that it changed in the retelling and is waiting to be found in Elrond's vast library. 

Im glad he kept his promise to Maedhros--that really mattered to Maedhros and I'm relieved Fëanor respected that.